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This is a potentially enormous topic if you take into consideration all the things there are to be mastered in life!

To narrow it down just a bit, I am speaking specifically about mastery over one’s experience of life on this planet.

If you can learn to master that, then everything else sort of falls into place and this world no longer has anything “over” you!

This is reducing it down to its point of greatest simplicity… I just LOVE simplicity! If we have only one thing to focus on and master then life is a whole lot easier!

Think about it, at the root of everything you may desire or seek is a common element. This is to have a certain good feeling inside of yourself.

13_03-12_What-is-MasteryThat good feeling is love, but even if you prefer to call it something else, you’ll find if you look closely enough, love is indeed what motivates about everything you do!

We have oh so many ways of attempting to have that good feeling too. Yet so many of the things we do often fail to produce it reliably, if at all.

Then we start settling for less than that good feeling and the things we do to try and have it take on other meaning. This eventually leads to a feeling of lack of fulfillment, frustration and disappointment. We may feel like life, others and/or even God have let us down.

The way out of this vicious cycle is to first recognize you are in it! With this bit of self-awareness you can then make a quantum shift!

To make the quantum shift:

1) Acknowledge to yourself that what you are feeling inside yourself is not the good feeling you want to be experiencing.

2) Acknowledge that you alone have the power to change that feeling, because the truth is,  it’s inside of you.

3) Ask your True-Self for the awareness you need to re-frame your context for whatever’s triggering that bad feeling… an awareness to shift you into a much BIGGER PICTURE concerning it!

4) Focus only on the bigger picture NOW.

5) Feel love filling you to the brim, and then flowing out from your heart to whatever triggered the bad feeling in you to begin with.

If you can make that work 100% of the time, you will have achieved the better part of full mastery! Each time you make it work is a huge step forward towards that goal too!

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Author Simeon

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Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Simeon says:

    Great reflections Lyndy, thanks so much for sharing them with us all! Yes indeed, self-mastery, if approached in the right way, adds many beautiful harmonies from our own song of life into the universal harmony for the benefit of all beings everywhere!

  • Lyndy Starflower says:

    Blending this awareness of ability to re-cognize and balance your sense of feeling seems to be a perfect partner to PhiMaat, divinely balancing on love with love and broadcasting love.

    Perhaps, with self-mastery (an ongoing dynamic) one becomes able to re-sound more and sing a human voice into that grand choir we describe so many illustrious ways as Metatronic and Angelic and Ascended harmonies.

    I appreciate the dynamic simplicity expressed in your blogs about what is (your) truth, what is (your) mastery, what is divine grace? These extraordinarily spacious values become ours just by FEELING them. That is so amazing to witness. When I was younger of ageless and had just started my teaching job in public schools, I noticed how looking out of a window at nature, shifted my perception so that stress left. At that time, I did not understand how fundamental this was to how life is self-harmonized and how nature restores a love feeling inside. It is very meaningful to me to recognize now that seeing the divine flame of being dancing in people and certainly nature, is a way to thank the Love behind all Being by being present within ‘it’, as ‘this’. The words get small but the meanings are vast.

    Thanks for your blogs which I am witnessing inside to become myself.

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