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What is Cosmic Love? Symbol for the Temple of Hu'Orin, All-Embracing Love

What is Cosmic Love?

By Cosmic Consciousness, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra, Videos 2 Comments

All Embracing Cosmic Love

The term ‘Cosmic Love‘ is rather synonymous with ‘Universal Love‘ or ‘Divine Love,’ and often times it is indeed used that way. I’m therefore aiming to offer some deeper insights regarding all of these terms rather than make any distinctions between them. Cosmic Love just happens to be my fav!

What is Cosmic Love? Symbol for the Temple of Hu'Orin, All-Embracing LoveIf you’ve been following my work for awhile you may recognize the symbol I used in the image on the header of this article also shown to the right (click/tap to zoom). That’s the symbol for the Temple of Hu’Orin from the New Earth Temples of Pure Consciousness transmissions that I brought through and worked with for a few years circa 2011 – 2014.

The Temple of Hu’Orin is about all-embracing love. Cosmic Love is complete all-embracing love. The Temple of Hu’Orin represented the Cosmic Heart in that previous work we did here at Cosmic Consciousness Online.

Complete all-embracing love‘ is as simple as it gets as a definition for Cosmic Love. What’s not quite so simple is progressing into an ever deepening understanding about what this means in terms of human consciousness and life experiences.

I’ll start with the concept and dynamic of ‘complete love.’ There’s numerous ways we can relate to this expansive concept. Some of the more fundamental ones are that it ALWAYS includes the self and the other EQUALLY. Also, complete love doesn’t seek anything, other than to be shared freely with all of life and reality, and on all levels of beingness and existence.


» Cosmic Love Always Exists Everywhere «

Cosmic Love exists ubiquitously, it just IS. If you’re not experiencing this sublime state as often as you wish, then that’s due to your own limitations, because there is no absence of Cosmic Love. It permeates your being, the environment you’re in, and the entire cosmos at all times. It’s just waiting to be experienced and shared more completely in each and every moment of existence.

This may seem rather obvious to many of you who resonantly found your way here to read this, and it indeed is. What isn’t so obvious is how our thoughts, feelings and actions are often not in accord with that obviousness. Your subconscious has a reality system of it’s own. It runs this reality on the virtual reality screen of your conscious self. While consciously thinking and feeling one thing, quite frequently on the subconscious level you’re thinking and feeling something quite different unbeknownst to you. This is the energetic dynamic that underlies all inner and outer conflicts that we experience. Our outer conflicts are largely just projections of our inner conflicts after all.

Magician Sorceress in the Woods Enchanting a BeastRegardless of what you find yourself experiencing inside of yourself and in your life, if you’re aware enough to remember this first Key, it’s awareness energy can then empower you to connect more deeply with your inner power so you can more easily transform your experience into one that’s more fully resonant with Cosmic Love.

Right now you might be wondering… why, is this like magic or something? Not exactly, remember that YOU are the magic! As a cosmic magician you can choose to remember and acknowledge that Cosmic Love always exists everywhere at anytime. THAT is what your focus of attention will then entrained upon and feeding energy to. Where your attention goes energy flows, it’s really that simple. When you can successfully do this you’re aligning yourself with the universal vibratory functions of energy and consciousness… the rest takes care of itself.

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» You’re a Vehicle for a Full Cosmic Love Embrace «

Beautiful Dancers in a Cosmic EmbraceThe next aspect of Cosmic Love in my simple explanation given above is that it’s ‘all-embracing love.’ Take a moment to reflect on what those two simple words REALLY mean on a cosmic consciousness level of beingness. On a down to Earth human level it means you try your best to extend some modicum of love to everyone, no matter how different they are from you in appearances, ideology, politics, religion, lifestyle etc. This is indeed important, and it paves the way to entering more deeply into the Temple of Hu’Orin, all-embracing cosmic love.

In that example of all-embracing love, we’re putting in an effort to lovingly embrace many of the superficialities of being a human on Earth. These things do indeed need to be embraced. I deeply admire people who make this effort, we need many more of them on our lovely planet. I’m still working on some dynamics at this level myself.

Yet, that level of ‘all-embracing’ isn’t your end goal. This dynamic will in time take you much deeper into far more expansive realms to practice this skill and develop the consciousness that it truly represents. In fact, there is no ‘end goal’ because this really is an infinite process, so just surrender into it. Once you achieve one ‘level,’ another will await you. Some people find this depressing. For me, it’s invigorating because it means the cosmos is infinitely wide open to progressive expansions of all-embracing love… WOW, I find that inspiring to say the least!

Buddha Statue with Earth, Galaxy, Stars and Sacred Geometry SymbolHowever, just beyond that basic superficial surface level stuff that I mentioned above, we can expand even further into embracing all beings, on all levels, in all worlds. However, until you start to experience such beings on the subtle plane level of existence within your own being you’ll have to rely on mental concepts as to what embracing these beings might entail. As you develop the ability to experience such beings directly you will begin to understand that the differences we have here between us humans on Earth are fairly minor relative to the differences we have with beings from other worlds.

I’m not speaking here of hostile beings from other worlds either; and while they sort of exist they really aren’t a concern. Rather, I’m speaking of co-existing with an all-embracing Cosmic Love with benevolent beings that have no concept of what life is like for people on Earthnor do we understand what life is like for them. For example, there are worlds of beings that do not have families. They’re birthed through the crossing of cosmic soul rays by other beings that serve that purpose in the overall collective that they are a part of. They’re then incubated and raised by their collective, with many souls sharing those responsibilities. There’s no such thing in these races of beings as a ‘tribe’ either, which is just an expansion upon the family unit. In a race of beings like this there is only collective form and function for the best and highest good of all concerned. That is the one and only motivation they have, and it’s highly exhilarating and a very creative endeavor to them.

Map of Europe with Territorial Boundaries or Divisions Like Tribes HavePeople on Earth who are open to concepts such as ‘for the best and highest good of all concerned’ rarely realize how limited they are in their understanding of that awesome concept. We tend to be limited by the hierarchical nature of our collective sub-units like families and tribes. In today’s world tribes may take the form of the people from a village, county, state, province, country, political party, religion, sports team fans, etc. Take a moment to try to imagine what it would be like to interact with a society of beings that has absolutely no context for anything like that.

Now consider what it would be like to extend some ‘all-embracing Cosmic Love’ to them, even though you have very little experiential understanding of their type of reality whatsoever. Moving up to that ‘level‘ is only one step up too… there’re an infinite number of steps beyond that on the stairway to complete all-embracing Cosmic Love. However, we simply need to take the next step before us and then the next subsequent step will appear, and so on!

Aiming for the Entire Universe with Cosmic Love ArrowsThis then is the second Key… always remember that YOU are a vehicle for the KISS OF A FULL COSMIC EMBRACE that is so expansive it actually transcends any ‘two-way’ directionality (love from me to another, and back from them to me). Indeed, it can engulf the entire cosmos and YOU can experience it like that if your resonance ‘aim’ is good. There’s no ‘doing’ here… there’s only ‘PURE BEING.’ Any ‘doing‘ effectively collapses that space whereby it has a more limited two-way type of directionality and flow. That flow still has great value, but it’s not the ultimate experience our souls are here to adsorb.

Where your attention goes, energy flowsput your attention intently upon these lofty states of being and you’ll start to experience them far more often! It really is that simple. Don’t let your mind fool you into believing otherwise. The ego-mind loves to make things more complicated than they really are because it likes to master that complex stuff and look good doing so!

A Crystalline Cosmic Love Transmission

I now wish to share with you a truly magnificent being that I recently discovered rather serendipitously. She’s a singer, song writer, pianist and harpist from Bergen, Norway. Her name is Aurora Aksnes. She has a very pure crystalline transmission that comes through so very strongly with nearly every song I’ve experienced her singing ( a great many). Her November 2017 performance in the video below has an orchestral accompaniment and takes place in the Nidarosdomen (Cathedral) in Norway. It’s like WOW!

This was the first concert I ever saw of hers. It’s a stunningly powerful crystalline energy transmission which very much helped me to shift into the next higher level of Cosmic Love, and I believe it can do the same for you, whatever that may mean for you. I felt guided to share Aurora at this time as she sings with such deep Cosmic Heart and Love in this incredible performance. I believe it has great potential to help you further your journey with Cosmic Love, should you feel as inspired to engage her work as me and Karen have.

The video starts with Aurora speaking in her native Norwegian language for a few minutes, but she sings her songs in English. Please share your experiences of Aurora with us in the comments below.

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Experiencing Cosmic Sovereignty of Being

Experiencing Cosmic Sovereignty of Being – Article & Video

By Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Meditations, Quantum Ascension, Simeon Chi'Ra, Videos 6 Comments


Sovereignty as a word confers a number of inter-related meanings, ideas and concepts. The most common of them applies to a country or state which has established it’s rights to self-governance. When it’s applied to persons it commonly refers to people who are considered to be ‘self-owned.’ This term embraces the concept of one’s own person amounting to a type of personal property over which the person has governance; much as a country or state is comprised of property that it governs.

In this personal case, however, it will often be expressed as the moral or natural right of a person to have bodily integrity, and to be the exclusive controller of one’s own body and life. These are, of course, all materially based forms of sovereignty. As importance as they are, there’s a much more powerful form of sovereignty that also applies to persons, or perhaps I should rightfully say ‘beings.’

The Statute of Liberty, Symbol of Sovereignty

Symbol of Sovereignty

This is what I call Cosmic Sovereignty. Some people have also referred to it as Spiritual Sovereignty, but there’s a difference I’m making for the purposes of this discussion. Spiritual Sovereignty usually refers to being centered or anchored within your own power regards your beliefs, and who or what you may follow regards spiritual teachings, guidance and ideologies.

In this state of Spiritual Sovereignty, you’re ideally neutral to all spiritual or religious teachings and groups, and you therefore follow your heart and not the others. All too often this can manifest as a divisive or polarized state of being. This would be whereby standing in your power means having to push others away, or to make them out to be something wrong, negative or limited that one can then justify rejecting.

In order to experience and live from a truly sovereign state of being and avoid all these pitfalls, one has to expand and ascend their consciousness a bit further than that. Doing so then results in what I am referring to as ‘Cosmic Sovereignty of Being,’ when it’s approached in the right way. Let’s talk about that!

Which Way to Cosmic Sovereignty?

Many a good person has dabbled around with the personal ‘self-owned’ and ‘spiritual’ forms of sovereignty. These are indeed important steps to go through. Valuable awareness is gleaned in working with these forms of sovereignty, I’ve done plenty of that myself too. This awareness is necessary to make the larger quantum leap into a more full-on experience of your ‘Cosmic Sovereignty of Being.’ Making this leap requires some new consciousness encodings though. Let me explain…

The Future Is Now Cosmic Road Sign

Cosmic Road Signs

Consciousness encodings are like celestial road signs in regard to the application of them that I’m speaking of right now. They’re sets of subtle vibrational signatures that help us identify the right fork in the cosmic road to take. They enable what I refer to as ‘resonance matching’ to occur in a highly ‘dialed-in’ type of way. In other words, your resonance matching process is far more accurate than when you are using the same process without these specific consciousness encodings being present.

So instead of us seeing a ‘road sign’ that lets us know there’s a town coming up someplace in the next 50 miles down the road, we see one that tells us the town is exactly 23.765 miles up the road and which also provides directions for making a series of complicated turns that are required to exit and reach the upcoming town.

We could call this a finer degree of discernment, but it’s really so much more than that. If you’re reading this article, you will surely have had experiences that will help you understand what I’m speaking of here. It involves a much higher degree of awareness AND a higher level of awareness as well. This expanded higher awareness with a more finely honed discernment is the first gift that these new consciousness encodings I’m speaking about bring to you. Let me explain the difference between a ‘higher degree‘ of awareness and a ‘higher level‘ of awareness before we move on to the second gift.

Brain Waves of Higher Awareness

Awareness Completion

The degree of awareness you have is related to how present you are in the moment with whatever level of awareness you’ve reached. You could therefore have a very high degree of awareness by being quite present in each moment, and yet still have a low level of awareness over all. The opposite is also true wherein you could have a very high level of awareness, but maybe you haven’t yet mastered being present in the moment consistently and thus your degree of awareness may be rather low even though your level of awareness is rather high. Not too many people understand this, and when you do understand it, a lot of doors to higher understanding and higher awareness are opened!

The second gift these new consciousness encodings bring you is a ‘completion’ of the first gift. Awareness must eventually return to it’s point of origin or emanation nexus in order to create self-awareness, which in the end is the nature of pure consciousness. Normally your sentient awareness flows out from your being as it embraces all that’s external to you… all of that which can be perceived and interacted with externally.

Self Reflecting Eye of Consciousness

Self Reflecting Eye

However, all of this sentient awareness must complete it’s circuit by turning around and reflecting upon itself from all of the external points of reference that its assimilated in its outward journey from the self. As this occurs, an expanded awareness hologram is formed through the unification of the self and other, of the inner and the outer, of all the seeming polarities of expression and beingness which one ‘perceives’ to exist. This is an important stage of ‘completion’ where your sense of individuality gives way to a larger sense of unity and oneness which is far more expansive, liberating, powerful and fulfilling.

As this occurs, you can no longer stand divided within. All inner and outer divisions are then witnessed and KNOWN clearly for what they are… just different forms of the same underlying cosmic energy expressing some unique quality or characteristic of that energy. We may prefer some expressions of it over others, this is entirely natural and to be expected. Yet, at this stage you’ll finally have come to accept them all as having a right and a purpose to exist, otherwise they simply wouldn’t exist.

The entire conceptual world of good and bad energy then comes to an end whereby now there’s only energy that we resonate with and prefer, and energy that we don’t resonate with and thus do not prefer, but it’s all just experienced as energy without the good/bad labels. It’s none other than the development of this autonomous pure and complete acceptance of ‘All That Is’ which best characterizes the highly aware consciousness state that I am referring to as ‘Cosmic Sovereignty of Being.’ Until this level of liberation is achieved, Cosmic Sovereignty of Being remains elusive, somewhat like your dreams that faded away after you awakening from a good nights sleep.

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Pure Acceptance & Cosmic Sovereignty

The country/state, personal and spiritual forms of sovereignty all involve some type of absolute control over something that’s considered a form of ‘property.’ With the country/state version it’s the lands being governed. With the personal version it’s your body and person. With the spiritual version the higher form of the property that you achieve full autonomous governance over is your beliefs, spiritual teachings, guidance, ideologies and/or your associations and relationships with others that are sought for the purpose of your spiritual enrichment.

Pure Acceptance of All That Is

Pure Acceptance of All

As you can see, each of these three forms of sovereignty expand on the one(s) previous by refining the property being governed down to subtler elements of life and consciousness. Cosmic Sovereignty of Being continues this progression until it reaches its ultimate zenith of experience.

The ‘property’ of this level of sovereignty is Autonomous PURE Acceptance of ALL THAT IS. This means that this highly expanded state whereby your ability to automatically accept everything in existence becomes so innately ingrained within you, that without any conscious thought or effort at all, every single perception, thought and feeling you have is in total resonance with a full-on manifestation of Acceptance of ALL THAT IS… simply because it is.

Please don’t feel distraught if that seems a rather lofty goal which you think is beyond your reach… or perhaps even beyond the reach of any human being alive today. The truth is… YOU’RE RIGHT! It’s indeed currently beyond our reach to experience the TOTALITY of that state. However, it’s still a worthy and highly beneficial goal to focus on and make progress towards. Where your attention goes, energy flows!

There isn’t any mountain climber who has summited Mt. Everest that didn’t start out from a place that seemed like they were pursuing an impossible dream. Yet, they eventually summited and their dream came true. They would never have done so if they would’ve dismissed the goal as impossible and wandered off in other directions. Likewise, if they would have settled for a lesser peak than the Mt. Everest massif, that would have been where their goal culminated rather then the summit of Mt. Everest.

I’d like to conclude this section by briefly sharing a story about a truly enlightened Master by the name of Krishnamurthy that can be helpful in understanding Pure Acceptance of All That Is.

Jiddu Krishnamurthy


Krishnamurthy was born enlightened. He was NOT here to create a bridge from the unenlightened state to the enlightened state in that incarnation. He therefore spent a great deal of time in his life trying to understand how best to help those myriads of people that gravitated to him as his followers. The state he experienced was always there with him. There never was a time that he knew what it was like to not be within that enlightened state. He lived about as fully within a state of Cosmic Sovereignty of Being as is possible on Earth.

Near the end of his life, he had a revelation where he understood better what the key was to his state of being, one that he felt he could pass along to others to help them experience the state of being he did. So he had a group of his most loyal followers gathered around him, and he told them that he finally had this spiritual key to pass along to them. These people were all ears, expecting some type of deep and long spiritual dissertation from their Master. Then Krishnamurthy said very simply to them, “whatever’s happening I’m OK with it.” Silence fell upon the room as his followers waited for more, yet he had no more to say because that was all of it!

A great deal of wisdom can be derived from that story. However, to stay on point with our current discussion it very well demonstrates the true nature of a state of ‘Pure Acceptance of All That Is.’ In Krishnamurthy’s way of speaking, it means that whatever’s happening we’re going to be OK with it. This does NOT mean if we see someone being abused or immediately needing help that we will be indifferent and turn the other cheek. Rather it means that we are not going to be psychologically or emotionally turbulent, polarized or disturbed. We will not need that type of disturbance as a motivation to help because we will be empowered to act from right use of will with pure compassion and be guided and informed by the highest level of our being to take action that is for the best and highest good of ALL concerned (including ourselves).

What that action will be in any given circumstance is completely unknown until we are in the circumstance. THAT is part of the nature of Cosmic Sovereignty of Being, it is not a formula, it is pure consciousness.

Self-Owning & Governing Your Cosmic Property

At the level we’re now discussing, the concepts of ownership and governance really don’t exist. I’m therefore just using these terms as a ‘word analogy’ to help demonstrate some higher principles in a more tangible way. As you read on, it’s therefore important to make this adjustment so you can allow these terms to fall away like a booster rocket does once it’s role has been completed.

Woman Focused on Feeling Acceptance of All That Is

Focus in on the FEELING

To move towards a more complete expression of an autonomous ‘Acceptance of ALL THAT IS’ for the purposes of reaching a more profound experience of your Cosmic Sovereignty of Being, it’s necessary to become pro-active in engaging this dynamic. This doesn’t involve chasing after it like may be appropriate for more practical goals. Rather, this involves the process of holding your focus of attention on the FEELING of living this goal continually through every moment of every day as much as possible. This means you will need to first cultivate that FEELING so you can focus on it and make it stronger within your being!

Right about now you may be wondering how you can cultivate a FEELING related to a state of being that you haven’t yet achieved! It indeed may seem like somewhat of a hopeless paradox, yet… I assure you it IS possible. It may help if you think of it this way: there’s a parallel reality in which you already continually experience this exalted state of being… YOU’RE ALREADY THERE!

Myriads of Parallel Realities to Choose From

Myriads of Parallel Realities

All you need to do is access that parallel reality and allow the FEELING OF IT to ‘bleed through’ into this reality so you’ll have it as a ‘feeling-state reference point‘ thereafter. In doing this, you’re also going to be initiating a process whereby that parallel reality can begin to merge with your normal reality. Exciting? YES IT IS!!! You’re an UN-limited being after all you know.

To help this process along you need to totally OWN this state of your being and existence. By this I mean that you come to a point where you naturally find your core sense of identity in it. You then not only realize that this state of being is who you are in truth, you begin to embody it in every cell of your body as a living reality. This too can be done before you’ve fully realized this state of being. Remember that parallel reality I spoke about… always keep it centered up in your sights so to speak.

As you begin establishing stronger fields of resonance between your conscious self and your Cosmic Sovereignty of Being, you initially become the Queen/King of this new ‘territory.’ You are the sole governing energy which finds its existence, and lives and moves within that space. This is a very powerful experience. One must fully accept it and allow it to run it’s course… all the while staying keenly tuned into how it’s evolving and changing into something even better. This is the nature of cosmic consciousness… it’s an open-ended system of explorations into the vastness of the infinite consciousness universe. There really are no goals or destinations involved other than the ongoing acceptance and exploration of ALL THAT IS.

Are you sensing how fabulously expanding and uplifting this type of experiential existence is? As you dive-in to more deeply experience this state of being, it may also come to pass rather quickly wherein no other type of existence will be desirable to you ever again. Every cell in your body, and every every fiber of your being will resonate so fully with being in this grandly expanded and liberated state and space that you’ll be held fast within it experiencing the pure bliss that it brings, even when ‘outer’ circumstances or other people are not ‘cooperating’ as one would prefer them to.

If you’re ready to dive more deeply into your Cosmic Sovereignty of Being, engage the video meditation process below… I’ve created it to help you do just that!

When you’re done please share your experience with me and others in the comments below!
Please share your experiences with me and others in the comments below!

Summary: Steps of the Cosmic Sovereignty of Being Process
  • Cultivating your FEELING of being in a state of Pure Acceptance of All That is continually.
  • Accessing a parallel reality where you already exist continually in this state already.
  • Stimulating the parallel reality so it ‘bleeds through’ into your current reality.
  • Owning this state of being; shifting your identity as fully as possible into it.
  • Embracing your life as an open-ended exploration of the Infinite realms of consciousness from a state of Pure Acceptance of All That is.
  • Testing your Cosmic Sovereignty of Being anchor… experiencing things that previously presented challenges from this newly expanded state of being.
  • Saying YES to more Cosmic Sovereignty of Being!

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Activating Your UniAxis Connection - Your Mother Star Stargate

Activating Your UniAxis Connection – Article & Video

By Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Meditations, Cosmic Reality Weaving, Simeon Chi'Ra, Videos 4 Comments


Wondering what a UniAxis Connection is? Well, it’s somewhat like a stargate of passage between you and your Mother Star. However, to really understand this you’ll first need to know what a Vivaxis Point is. Your Vivaxis is your life axis, your energy ‘umbilical cord’ to the planet. It’s the place where you literally connect energetically into the Earth and its magnetic and electrical life forces. This concept was first discovered by the Canadian researcher Fran Nixon in the 1960’s. In this model your Vivaxis connection is considered to be fundamental to your human life and health on Earth.

Your Vivaxis is the geographical point where Earth’s magnetism was introduced into your being, the point on the Earth where her sacred magnetic patterns were imprinted within the internal resonances of your field and your cells.

Earths Magnetic Field Lines

Earth’s Magnetic Field Lines

The magnetic field emissions of the Earth form a significantly large network of magnetic field lines that exist and move within the horizontal and the vertical planes of existence. When a fetus is being birthed and moves outside of it’s mother’s womb to become a newborn child, it’s suddenly a separate entity that’s exposed to these subtle but powerful energy waves and their associated electrical currents and resonance patterns. These magnetic and electrical currents then spiral down into a common axis point forming a vortex around it within the newborn being. As a result, the newborn infant literally becomes magnetized to that point in the Earth at the time of it’s birth.

Thus, via the Earth’s magnetic and electrical energy emissions which were imprinted upon your biological system at the time of your birth, the electrical energies of your CNS (Central Nervous System) became keenly attuned to the Earth energies of your Vivaxis point. For the remainder of your life you then always have a quantum energy flow moving back and forth, in a circuit of sorts, between your body/being and your Vivaxis Point. Through this flow of energy and it’s exchange mechanisms, the magnetic and electrical balance in your body and being at all levels relevant to your current incarnation on Earth can be sustained and maintained.

Needless to say many things can disrupt this two way flow of energies and cause myriads of physiological, psychological, emotional and spiritual problems. Under some circumstances you can even acquire a second Vivaxis point. This happened to me in 1999 at the sacred Royal Birthing Stones site on Oahu, Hawaii. However, such dynamics as this are rather involved and are best left as discussions for another day. What’s important to understand for this discussion here, is what the essence of your Vivaxis Point is because it forms a basis for understanding your UniAxis Connection.

Some UniAxis Connection Basics

Your UniAxis Connection has some similarities to your Vivaxis Point in principle. One major difference though, is that it’s Universal to your Soul throughout all time and space rather than being specific to the Earth for a single incarnation. It also accesses energy from the Cosmos and your Mother Star, versus a point on the Earth. It thus has a specific ‘location’ of sorts within your soul’s Mother Star. However, there are quite a few souls whose Mother Star has reached the end of her stellar life cycle and thus no longer exists as a star in the type of universe that we study with our telescopes. Further, there are many Mother Stars that have never even existed in the universe we know.

Supernova Remnant of Cassiopeia-A :: Courtesy of NASA

Supernova Remnant of Cassiopeia-A :: Courtesy of NASA

When a Mother Star ‘dies’ and her stellar body no longer exists, she still has a powerful multi-dimensional vortex associated with her being in the universe, and this is eternal in scope, you can think of it as her soul. That said, you do NOT need to have any knowledge of who your Mother Star is/was to establish your UniAxis Connection. In fact, it would be more appropriate to call this a ‘re-connection’ because it’s existed ever since your soul was birthed/hosted into the universe by your Mother Star.

So we’re actually speaking here of quickening your conscious being and mind into a much greater awareness of, and sensitivity to, your UniAxis Connection. In accomplishing this your resonance with universal consciousness, energies and fundamental principles will become MUCH stronger. It’s also important to realize that no matter where you are along the path of this unfoldment, there’s always more to go.

Therefore, what I offer from here on out in this discussion should be of great benefit to you and your efforts to more fully activate your UniAxis Connection. This will assist you in your efforts to realize and experience life on Earth as a living expression of Universal Consciousness and Love. To be clear, I’m not speaking of struggling to experience that state of being in a haphazard and unpredictable manner. I’m speaking of it becoming more like your natural moment to moment life experience in a way that makes it rather unshakable and quite dependable. In other words, it starts to become something that’s a rather autonomous state of being which you no longer need to think about much simply because you’ve become a living, breathing expression of it.

You may also be someone who is quite aware of what universal consciousness represents and what universal laws of energy and consciousness are. If such be the case this is quite good and it gives you many advantages. However, you can be highly aware of these things and yet not have your UniAxis Connection fully activated in your conscious being… in other words you might not be as conscious of the connection as you could be. Or perhaps you are one of the few that’s highly aware of this connection and it’s sacred essence. Either way, regardless of where you are in this process of transformation I’ve created this transmission of awareness to quicken you into the next level of activation and conscious unfoldment of this energy so that it’s cosmic essence can be accelerated to optimal levels within your being.

How Your UniAxis Cosmic Energy Connection Works

Whereas with your Vivaxis there’s an actual two-way flow of energies from your incarnate being and your Vivaxis point on the Earth at all times regardless of where you are on the planet, the UniAxis operates according to more expansive principles of energy and consciousness, and at much subtler levels of reality.

Mother Star Cosmic Vortex Mandala

Mother Star Cosmic Vortex Mandala

With your UniAxis Connection there isn’t so much of a ‘flow’ of energy as there is a ‘state’ of energy and Reality. It’s modus operandi is similar to that of psi energy where there’s no apparent space-time and ‘communication’ is instantaneous regardless of the perceived physical distance between any two components of a given ‘psi system.’ An example of this type of ‘communication’ is operating when out of the blue you may think of someone, then just a few moments later the phone rings and they’re on the other end. It matters not where they are on the planet either, this still happens rather frequently to a great many people.

Your Mother Star is the central vortexial point of your UniAxis. Yet her vortex of energy ultimately encompasses and contains the entire Cosmos within it. This means that all Mother Stars vortices encompass and embrace all other Mother Star’s vortices. This is why it’s not important whether you know who, what or where your Mother Star is. She contains all the others. Her vortex is ubiquitous in the universe. If it’s meant for you to know who, what or where your Mother Star is, this awareness will simply show up for you to access and understand.

Your eternal Soul being is thus continually connected within your Mother Star’s vortexial field. The very spark and pulse of cosmic life that your soul represents is being continually and perpetually energized and informed by the cosmic plane through her beingness. The instant anything changes regarding how universal consciousness and energy operates (it’s evolving all the time), your being receives the update… it’s automatic and instantaneous. So why are we even discussing this topic then?

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Your Journey ~ An Ever-Expanding and Infinite Cosmic Experience

As I’ve previously stated, we’re speaking here of quickening your conscious mind and being into a much greater awareness of, and sensitivity to, your UniAxis Connection. In accomplishing this your resonance with universal consciousness, energies and fundamental principles will become much, MUCH stronger. No matter where you are along the path of this unfoldment, there’s always more to go. This is after all an infinite process, there’s no endpoint or destination to it whatsoever.

Now, to understand this more fully I’ll offer an example. Consider the possibility that someone might be highly aware of universal consciousness and what it represents, they may be able to speak eloquently about all the metaphysics involved, and they may be be rather good at sensing subtle energy realities too. Yet, that same person could still be quite a long ways from being an actual living expression of all that they can so eloquently speak about in this regard. How can that even be possible?

Fractal Loop of Limited Consciousness Referring to More Limited Consciousness

Fractal Loop of Limited Consciousness Referring to Less Limited Consciousness

It’s possible because knowledge of consciousness is not the consciousness itself. Knowledge is a form of consciousness. However, it can be a limited form of consciousness that refers to another somewhat less limited form of consciousness. Sort of like the road sign that tells you there’s a town so many miles down the road. The sign informs you about the town, but it’s not the town itself, it’s simply information and knowledge being conveyed about the town that exists up the road a bit.

This has a lot of value though. Knowing that town is coming allows you to start thinking about whether you may need to stop there for fuel, a toilet break, food, etc. Or maybe that town was your destination, so now you can make a quick mental calculation as to how much longer your journey will take. You might also drive right on by the sign and completely miss seeing it. That doesn’t mean the sign or the town don’t exist. It simply means that they escaped your awareness in the brief window of time that was granted you to be able to see the sign and assimilate the awareness potential it held for you.

With your Vivaxis you can miss all these road signs, yet still the energy from the Earth flows to and from your being through it’s circuitry while you remain rather oblivious. You will experience these energies in your being as the vitality of life in myriads of ways regardless. On the other hand, with your UniAxis Connection, missing these signs will mean that you miss being able to experience the larger portion of your cosmic being in human form. You’re still a cosmic being, but you won’t enjoy a conscious experience of that aspect of your nature as fully as possible, if at all. If you do see some of these ‘road signs’ you’ll indeed be empowered to experience more of your cosmic nature than if you don’t see any of them. The point of this transmission is to help you spot as many of these ‘road signs’ as possible. This then leads you to an ever expanding state of cosmic awareness that will continue to inform and alter your human consciousness and brain/mind complex. You up for more of that? I thought so…

Removing the Cosmic Blinders

We now need to discuss the one of the main things that can completely blind you to seeing any of your upcoming UniAxis Connection ‘road signs.’ This would be any type of thought that tries to tell you that you’re already as cosmically aware as you need to be, and that you don’t have much more to do in this regard. BOOM! The door slams shut. Why? Well… I can tell you with certainty that it’s NOT because you’re somehow being punished. It’s simply because your inner sub-conscious beliefs that’re generating such thoughts can’t entertain the possibility that there’s any door to be opened to begin with.

A Doorway to Cosmic Self Must Be Opened

A Doorway to Cosmic Self Must Be Opened

So in a sense there isn’t really any BOOM either… there’s no open door to be slammed shut so there can’t be any BOOM. You’re instead faced with a ‘consciousness wall.’ It won’t appear to your consciousness that there’s anything beyond the wall to explore… you won’t even see the wall. So the reality of your larger Cosmic Self on the other side of the wall continues to elude you EXPERIENTIALLY even though it still exists as part of you.

As I’ve stated previously, you could be well aware of Cosmic Self in principle and conceptually understand what it’s nature is. Yet, you may still not have a real living breathing experience of it. So it remains in a distant separate state whereby it will be expressed primarily within the realm of your dreams and visions. To be clear, it will still be expressed in your dreams and visions after it becomes a more complete lived experience too. Mostly what changes is how you’ll relate to those dreams and visions. Once you’ve sufficiently consciously activated your UniAxis Connection, they’ll not seem so much like ‘messages from beyond’ or from the ‘other side’ any more. Rather, they’ll seem more like echoes, reverberations or even replays of things that’ve already been flitting about within your field of conscious awareness on an ongoing basis.

This may not sound like much, but I can assure you it’s an ENORMOUS shift. It’s just that it shows up in a rather subtle way. THAT’S the whole point though. You have to be able to sense such rarefied subtle shifts in energy and it’s functionalities. As you develop this ability you’ll progressively become more aware of subtler things… this includes your cosmic road signs! Stuff that once went unnoticed will suddenly appear on your radar screen evermore loud and clear. This can pose some challenges too.

You Are The Unlimited Cosmic Transformational Potential

The underlying dynamic in all the challenges you could possibly face involves any judgement that remains in your consciousness. The more you become aware of, the more you have to judge, and this can generate energetic turbulence that will cause problems. To say it another way, as you’re being opened up to your greater Cosmic Self through your UniAxis Connection, you’ll become far more sensitive to the extremely subtle but expansive cosmic energies involved. However, you’ll also begin consciously perceiving all the subtler aspects of the dysfunctional dynamics taking place around you in the world of form. This can result in a state of overwhelm, especially when you first break through into a new level of subtle awareness. The good news is that this experience only needs to persist for as long as you resist. These types of energies may feel uncomfortable, or worse… painful and even frightening. Yet, when we resist them we actually lock them energetically into our being, and then we’ll fight them all the harder trying to get free. The harder we fight them the more they get locked in… it’s a vicious cycle with only one way out.

The cosmic remedy to this paradox is to NOT resist anything. Simply allow it to flow through you and direct it into the Flame of Love, into the Light, into the Heart of God, into the Universal Heart Crystal… whatever to you represents the unlimited source of energy, being and pure love. Then, realize that YOU are that unlimited cosmic transformational potential, it does NOT exist anywhere outside of your being… THAT’S a major illusion which must eventually be dispensed with.

In this way you can steadily develop the ability to open up to ever more subtle and refined cosmic energies and not be adversely impacted by other dysfunctional and/or incoherent energies on any level around you. This ability is vitally important to being able to further open up into experiencing your UniAxis Connection. In this way you can then be the transformational force that beneficially affects everything around you, versus having it work the other way around whereby all that stuff adversely impacts you. Make the conscious choice NOW to turn that around and keep doing so until you succeed! Do not accept anything less!

You Are Unlimited Cosmic Potential

You Are Unlimited Cosmic Potential

As you get stronger in this, your power of resonance with universal love principles, consciousness and energy will grow exponentially. You will progressively become an autonomous living expression of all that you hold dear in your heart, of all that you dream of seeing in your world, of all that you admire in the Illumined Ones that have guided you. The whole point has always been for YOU to be a living expression of all of THAT, for YOU to be one of the Illumined Ones. Not as an ego trip or a marketing strategy… but as a living expression of what THAT represents… quietly moving amidst others in this world.

In order for this to happen, you must FULLY BELIEVE it’s possible for you to have such an experience. Then you must be willing to see all the places in yourself that are interfering with such a development. Further, you must never take any shadows or limitations that you become aware of within yourself personally. These limited things and aspects of your human beingness do NOT represent flaws in your being. Rather, they’re just energy patterns and dynamics that you came to the Earth to transform through love and acceptance, your own experience, and your inner spiritual power. They have no power to hold you back, unless you you give it to them… just say no to that!

To experience this requires consciousness expansion into an increasingly universal awareness… the activational cosmic transmission and meditation video that I’ve created for you below is designed especially for this purpose!

Your UniAxis Connection Activation Meditation

I’ve been inspired to offer this process to help you further experience your UniAxis Connection. It has a special cosmic energy transmission embedded in it for you to receive in your own way. It helped me open up further to mine as well while I was creating it, so I KNOW it most likely holds a great deal of potential for you too!

Feel free to pause the video as needed whenever you feel you need more time for what’s unfolding.

Please share your experience of this awareness and video in the comments below!

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When Freedoms Become Your Prison Like A Spider Web That Ensnares You

When Freedoms Become Your Prison

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Freedoms, Liberties & Choice

First let me state up-front that I’m all for personal freedoms, liberties and choice. Freedom has been a very important part of my life journey which has included being extremely rebellious much of my life! Therefore, this article is about defining and refining what freedom really is and how it can be experienced in it’s most liberated forms. One thing I know very well at this point in my current life experience, is that to expand one’s awareness into a greater harmonic resonance with universal principles can change everything and anything!

Redefining Success, Freedom & Everything Else

Re-defining Freedom, Liberty & SuccessAs a premise for this potential expansion of your awareness and consciousness, contemplate how a single goal can appear to have been accomplished using any one of a number of different approaches. The outcomes that you may achieve as a result of using these different approaches to your goal may also be quite different. Some of them may fail to achieve the practical goal, while others may succeed. The differences won’t end with this fail/succeed polarity though. This is where you must expand your awareness and dive into a deeper, richer and more transcendant experience of life to find true empowerment.

To transcend the polarities of fail/succeed you must re-define what these terms mean for yourself. In any goal that has a practical desired outcome, whether you get that outcome or not defines whether you succeeded or failed. This type of definition, however, is devoid of any cognition of your inner experience in either outcome. It leaves out consciousness altogether.

It is, for example, entirely possible to achieve your desired practical goal, and yet not feel fulfilled, content and at peace… in a word, to still not be very happy. On the other hand, it’s also entirely possible to NOT achieve your desired practical goal, and yet to still feel fulfilled, content and at peace… in a word, to be very happy.

A Quantum Possibility Emerges

Quantum Possibilities EmergeThis presents you with a quantum possibility, which is to completely re-define the results of the efforts you may make towards a goal so that you’re not caught in the fail/success polarity that fuels the illusional world of maya. This potential offers you a radical shift whereby you can define and prioritize what matters most to you according to your inner experience of any effort that you make and not its practical outcome.

For example, if you put everything you have into achieving a goal, yet the desired practical form of that goal does not come to pass, you will still have much to show for the effort you put in. You will have personally grown to some degree in the effort, you will have learned some new things, you will have had unique experiences and your consciousness will have evolved to some degree as a result of all this. Consciousness evolution always aligns with internal experiences and not external practical outcomes. The practical outcomes are simply manifestations of the activities of consciousness generating experiences internally.

Now let’s plug the pursuit of freedom into this energy and awareness flow we have going right now. Freedom means a great deal of things to different people. To some people it means a freedom in consciousness that allows one the experience of being liberated from the mundane concerns of the world, even as they attend to those mundane things that’re necessary for life on this planet.To others, freedom means being able to have the right to do something that could infringe on the rights of others, or which may even harm them in some way. Can this latter really be freedom when not everyone’s invited to experience the same freedom you pursue for yourself? How you answer that question largely depends on how self-centric (or not) you currently are.

Anchoring Universal Alignments

Anchoring Universal Alignments Within YourselfFor over 30 years I’ve used a goal/intention qualifying statement that goes like this:

“… or whatever is in the best and highest good of all concerned.”

Yes, I state my intentions and make my requests of the universe. However, I always add that qualifier onto the end of them. Why? Because as a human being on this plane of reality I’m in full cognition that there are limits to how much I can encompass within my human field of conscious awareness. Yet, there’s still a part of my being that has Infinite Awareness. My qualifying statement thus ultimately turns the final outcome over to the most expanded aspect of my being. A part of that qualifying statment that MUST be incorporated deeply within your subconscious and cellular beingness, is that YOU yourself are part of the “all concerned.” It’s about both others AND you, not just the others.

In this world we have many people who are completely self-centered and have little or no caring or awareness about others. We also have a growing number of people that care deeply about others, and their caring efforts are attempting to serve as a counterweight to balance all the self-centeredness on the planet. Yet, most of these caring people will fail to truly include themselves in the equation that the qualifying statement represents. They burn out through over-caring as a result. Neither of these positions is energetically better than the other, they both represent an imbalance. Socially, the latter has some advantages, but in the end it falls far short of being sustainable.

Freedoms That Imprison Your Soul

When Freedoms Become Your Soul PrisonLet’s now apply this to the idea of your pursuit of freedoms. I’ll use freedom of speech as an example, but this applies to any sought after freedom or right. It’s no secret that in today’s world hate is being propogated under the guise of freedom of speech. In a legal and political sense this is a sticky issue. In a consciousness sense it’s fairly clear cut. In the end consciousness is going to be all that really matters.

Hate speech advocates scream that their right to freedom of speech is being violated if anyone attempts to shunt their hateful messaging in any way, shape or form. So to them freedom of speech means that they can say anything they want regardless of who it may harm, hurt or demean. The idea of freedom of speech in the USA Constitution was in fact meant to keep political debate open and free so one political party in power could not suppress the ideas or criticisms of any other party. It was never meant to support speech that was viciously deceitful, hurtful or harmful amongst the people of the country. I bring this up to demonstrate a principle, not to start an issues debate or how this issue should be handled because I really don’t have many answers for this level, except to say more higher awareness and consciousness is needed.

I also bring it up because it’s an excellent analogy for how freedom can become your prison. The people in that hate speech prison unfortunately do not even know that they’re incarcerated, nor do they know that they alone hold the keys to let themselves out of their self-made prison. To come into such knowing requires an expansion of awareness towards a more universal reality, and thus an elevation in consciousness. They must come to realize how their hatred is a prison that they cannot escape from until they release the hate; accept others that are different than they are; allow for differences in approach; forgive others for any shortcomings they perceive them to have; and love all beings, creatures and life equally including themselves.

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Higher Awareness Liberates & Represents True Freedom

Higher Awareness Liberates You From Your Soul PrisonIt’s safe to say that if you’re reading this article you’re not a hate speech advocate by any means. However, we’re all susceptible to the same exact type of pattern regards other things, and it still can be found at subtler and subtler levels as we evolve. This article is meant to cultivate a greater awareness around this dynamic. Do you ever find yourself stomping your feet, shaking your fist (metaphorically or otherwise), or or speaking rather animatedly about how your freedom/right to ____________ (fill in the blank) is being suppressed, subverted, interfered with or taken away?

That reactionary type of inner experience is natural alright, and it should NOT be suppressed. There are indeed other excellent options for allowing that energy to flow into a higher and more constructive channel whereby you are NOT in opposition to what’s occurring, but rather you’re in acceptance. Let’s face it, the thing you’re getting worked up about already exists, or you wouldn’t be worked up about it, right? If it already exists, the first thing you must do to bring about any type of constructive change is to accept ‘what is.’ When you have not accepted ‘what is,’ you’re in fact denying that it exists on a subconscious level. As a result your conscious self cannot be very effective in dealing with what doesn’t exist to your subconscious self!

Bear in mind that accepting ‘what is’ does not mean condoning it. It simply means that you’re taking responsibility for HOW you experience it. You may still hold whomever/whatever accountable for ill-begotten words/actions if need be, but not for HOW you’ve reacted to those words/actions inside of yourself. Your internal reactions and responses to external stimuli are in truth entirely under your control, not someone else or some external situation.

It doesn’t seem that way many times, I KNOW! It is a universal truth, however, that must be accepted on universal principles alone at first. Then it starts to work for you. Before long you will come to KNOW it as a living truth inside of your being as well. This is because your power to change your inner reactions and responses depends upon the degree to which you take responsibilty for what you’re experiencing inside of yourself. There are no exceptions to this. What I’m saying should also NOT be construed to mean that if you’re in an abusive situation you should just sit tight enduring it and try to experience it differently either. In such a case by all means take what actions are necessary to remove yourself from the abusive situation. You can do that while also working with the techniques that I am offering here.

Getting back to our theme of when freedom becomes your prison… this is really a dynamic principle and could thus also be stated in other ways, like ‘when truth becomes your prison,’ or ‘when ideals become your prison,’ or ‘when activism becomes your prison,’ or ‘when trutherism becomes your prison,’ or ‘when conspiracism becomes your prison,’ or ‘when chocolate fudge cake becomes your prison.’ You get the idea I’m sure.

Nipping it in the Bud

Nip the Negativity in the Bud to Achieve Higher AwarenessThis is where you need to unpack reality just a bit more to see what’s ticking inside of it. I’m going to provide a few simple guidelines that will be posed to you as questions. Whenever you find yourself feeling all fired up about something, you’re in a mental, emotional and hormonal state that’s quite susceptible to being manipulated. In todays world you’re usually being manipulated by the time you even realize that you’re all worked about something. Therefore, it’s important to cultivate a higher degree of self-awareness regards when you’re getting worked up about something. The subtler the level of this that you can detect, the earlier in the process you’ll catch yourself, and the easier it will be to make a shift to higher ground. The old ‘nipping it in the bud’ adage is apropo here.

Once you come into an awareness that informs you that you’re starting to get all fired up about something, then ask yourself the following questions regards what’s getting you worked up, and watch the energetic shift that takes place inside you just by self-examining in this way… it’s actually quite amazing to experience such a dramatic shift that’s so easily elicited.


1. Is this thing I’m getting all worked up about, polarizing and divisive, something that seeks to create two or more camps or classes of people that are at odds with each other?

2. Does the thing I’m getting all worked up about, generate feelings of fear, anger, hate, disgust, revulsion, etc?

3. Does the thing I’m getting all worked up about, make me feel like I’m part of some privileged group with special knowledge about things going on in the world?

4. Does the thing I’m getting all worked up about create some type of group identity that I get to adopt, experience and participate in by being part of it?

If you answered YES to even one of those four questions, it’s a red alert that that freedom is becoming your prison and you need to move to higher ground within yourself. You very likely already have tools that work for you to move to higher ground. I’m also offering a few here for you if you don’t… and even if you do you may wish to give them a try. I recommend you try them sequentially in the order given below.


1. Heart Breathing: breathe slowly, deeply and rhythmically in and out through your heart at least 9 times (or multiples thereof i.e. 9,18, or 27). Imagine your breath is actually passing in and out through your heart center. Download my Heart Breathing eBook with a longer discourse on this technique and the science behind it.

2. Affirmation: here I AM in this present moment of time in ALL of Eternity, no other moment matters, all is well.

3. Universal Declaration: my primary and most important contribution to the collective consciousness on Earth is found in how I’m feeling inside of myself each and every moment.

4. Universal Declaration: all beings, situations and things have a purpose for existing or they simply wouldn’t exist.

5. Universal Request: I request a download of highly expanded awareness about the purpose for ___________ (fill in the blank with what you were getting worked up about) even existing.

6. Affirmation: I accept that _____________ (fill in the blank with what you were getting worked up about) has a right to exist, or it wouldn’t exist.

7. Declaration: I prefer to experience a life/world that _____________ (fill in the blank with what you want to see change in the world around what you were getting worked up about).

YOU are the Magic

You Are The Liberating Magic for Your SoulThere’s magic in using those tools, and YOU are the magic! By engaging the ‘4 SELF-EXAMINATIONS TO DIFFUSE REACTIONS’ to start, you are in fact shifting to a higher more self-reflective state of consciousness. Then by going through the ‘7 STEPS TO REACH HIGHER GROUND’ you are diffusing any remaining reactive energies and creating a harmonic resonance with your most expanded state of being, which I refer to as your Core Self (feel free to call it whatever you wish though).

If you were to engage this or a similar process each time you started to sense you were getting worked up about something your experience of life would shift up into a different plane altogether. This would be a consciousness place where you’d realize there never was anything to be worked up about.

In the event you’ve not yet experienced this state; once you’re there it doesn’t mean that you don’t care anymore. It means that you care from a much higher plane of energy and activity that isn’t engaged with the reactive levels of energy and emotional charge. In the end, the higher plane of energy and activity is what constitutes the ultimate freedom, one that can never become your prison… you can be liberated from all of the pain, suffering and strife inherent in the lower level freedom-prisons just that easily.

Three Powerful Metaphysical Axioms

I’m also suggesting that you imprint these following three simple but powerful metaphysical axioms into your being and apply them to everything you think, say and do. They must be accompanied by your realization that the energy of what you think and feel today, is in fact making a primary energetic contribution to the world of today and creating the world of tomorrow. This is true both individually and collectively, practically and spiritually.

    Keynote: attention IS energy AND it directs energy… place it in a wise and aware manner!
    Keynote: be keenly aware of the energy momentum you’re building because it will be sustained.
    Keynote: everything is within you and you are a part of everything; take 100% responsibility for what you experience within yourself.

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Infinite Awreness Expanding - The All-Seeing Eye of God Within

Infinite Awareness Expanding – Part 1

By Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Meditations, Quantum Ascension, Simeon Chi'Ra, Videos 2 Comments


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Illumined Masters are AngelsThe paradox in the title of this video/article, ‘Infinite Awareness Expanding,’ is that if something is truly infinite, how can it also be expanding?

Many years ago I received a significant awareness transmission from one of the superluminal beings I consider my friends. I know him by the name of Master Menon although he indicates he is known by many other names. During this powerful holographic awareness transmission I came to know quite a bit more about the nature of Universal Reality and Consciousness.

Golden Keys of Cosmic ConsciousnessThe First Key

The first key to resolving this paradox is that the universe isn’t infinite by virtue of it being an infinite space, as many may believe. Space is curved… sooner or later it closes back upon itself forming an enclosed spheroidal shape. Thus, it’s space is ultimately finite even if it’s large enough to escape our imaginative faculties.

Golden Keys of Cosmic ConsciousnessThe Second Key

The second key to this paradox is to understand the underlying fractal nature of the Universal Reality and Consciounsess itself. In a computer generated fractal there’s a repeating pattern that keeps being generated as long as the computer is left running to compute that fractal’s math formula. There can be a great many variations in the pattern that unfolds. How much variation there is all depends on the complexity of the fractal’s math formula. However, at some point it will eventually return to computing the same exact pattern once again, and on it goes ad infinitum until the computer program is stopped.

In the Universal Reality, however, the fractal’s math formula is constantly changing due to Consciousness experiencing the fractal’s Reality and then feeding the data from that experience back into the formula to build and expand upon it. The fractal formula thus NEVER generates the same reality pattern twice. As an analogy… if you started out traveling around the perimeter of the universe through curved space, by the time you got back to the same point in space that you had started from the fractal formula would have changed enough that it would no longer be recognizable as the same reality you had previously been in and experienced. So on and on you’d go traveling through the curvature of finite space experiencing an infinite number of different realities and worlds unfolding before you. You’d never be able to determine that you had in fact started a new revolution around the universal spheroid.

Golden Keys of Cosmic ConsciousnessThe Third Key

The third key is that awareness and consciousness follows this same expansion and for the same reasons. Reality is infinitely expanding, and awareness must infinitely expand to encompass it.

This is a greatly simplified version of these principles. I’ll explore this topic in much greater depth in an article (or series thereof) dedicated to this topic fairly soon.

Fractals & Sacred Geometry as ConsciousnessFor now, I just want you to better understand what your journey watching the video above represents… before you actually watch it! In your meditative video journey you’ll begin with the all-seeing eye of awareness rapidly expanding into a bit of a cosmic journey meant to induce an expansive feeling in your being. You will then alternate between zooming into a fractal pattern and then back into various representations of the cosmos and back to the fractal yet again… all the while the fractal keeps changing and evolving everytime you return to it. In the end, you will be embraced by an infinity eight loop in a really powerful visual way… follow the tracer around the infinity eight loop with your eyes for maximum effect… then you’ll go through a spiraling wormhole vortex to explore your own infinite nature… open up to it! Infinite awareness expanding is what you are… I want to help you FEEL and EXPERIENCE this more profoundly and to be informed and transformed by that experience!

NOTE: I created the sound track of this video to help you to disengage your ego mind… to help it let go of everything that might limit or interfere with your experience of your own infinite awareness expansion. There’s what I refer to as a ‘disorientation pattern’ of rather cosmic proportions built into the sound matrix. This, combined with our (Karen & Simeon) vocal toning with intention, and the Universal Theta Gateway frequency binaural beats (headphones required) at 5.13 Hz which is in the lower range of Theta Waves, generated by 55Hz/60.13 Hz base tones (Gamma Waves), and some other cosmic type music that weaves in subtlely in the beginning and closing portions, makes for quite a cosmic journey indeed! That’s why we’re here, to help you experience more expansive states of the cosmic consciousness you aleady are!

Have a great cosmic journey, and because watching this video does NOT attempt to bring you back into normal reality at the end but rather turns you loose to free flow into infinite expansion of your awareness… PLEASE remember to allow ample time (at least 30 minutes) for returning to normal waking states before driving or operating any type of potentially dangerous machinery or appliances!

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Cosmic & Human Transparency - Is there as Difference?

Cosmic & Human Transparency – Is There a Difference?

By Cosmic Consciousness, Keys & Tips, Quantum Ascension, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments


Cosmic and Human Transparency… this interesting cosmic exploration is the focus of the question posed in this blog’s title. It seeks to expand awareness around the differences between these two types of transparency. The best way to answer that question is to whole heartedly dive into this exploration regards what each of these types of transparency actually is. Then… at the end of this post our question definitely gets answered, but with a twist! Read More

On Ends & Means - a Cosmic Perspective

On Ends & Means – A Cosmic Perspective

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

I have spent many, MANY years diving deeply into both cosmic consciousness and our collective of human consciousness. When we can penetrate with our awareness down to the very root dynamics which underlie a whole host of problems or dysfunctional patterns, we’re then empowered to change all those things with just a single-pointed focus of transformation whereby all the dominoes fall when you tip the first one over. When we do this for ourselves, we are always doing it for the entire collective consciousness on Earth also. Read More

Core State Consciousness Entrainment Introduction

Core State Entrainment Intro

By Cosmic Consciousness, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra 4 Comments

Core State Entrainment Technique (CSET) TM State-based Life Enrichment


The "Best You" is a simple idea. It's about YOU experiencing the best you have inside of yourself in a sustainable way. When you can experience the Best You your life is enriched. Your relationships with others flourish. Your abilities to engage the demands of your life expand and everything just flows. Your levels of creativity, intuition and inspiration soar too.

Maybe you don't even know that Read More

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