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Illumined Masters are AngelsThe paradox in the title of this video/article, ‘Infinite Awareness Expanding,’ is that if something is truly infinite, how can it also be expanding?

Many years ago I received a significant awareness transmission from one of the superluminal beings I consider my friends. I know him by the name of Master Menon although he indicates he is known by many other names. During this powerful holographic awareness transmission I came to know quite a bit more about the nature of Universal Reality and Consciousness.

Golden Keys of Cosmic ConsciousnessThe First Key

The first key to resolving this paradox is that the universe isn’t infinite by virtue of it being an infinite space, as many may believe. Space is curved… sooner or later it closes back upon itself forming an enclosed spheroidal shape. Thus, it’s space is ultimately finite even if it’s large enough to escape our imaginative faculties.

Golden Keys of Cosmic ConsciousnessThe Second Key

The second key to this paradox is to understand the underlying fractal nature of the Universal Reality and Consciounsess itself. In a computer generated fractal there’s a repeating pattern that keeps being generated as long as the computer is left running to compute that fractal’s math formula. There can be a great many variations in the pattern that unfolds. How much variation there is all depends on the complexity of the fractal’s math formula. However, at some point it will eventually return to computing the same exact pattern once again, and on it goes ad infinitum until the computer program is stopped.

In the Universal Reality, however, the fractal’s math formula is constantly changing due to Consciousness experiencing the fractal’s Reality and then feeding the data from that experience back into the formula to build and expand upon it. The fractal formula thus NEVER generates the same reality pattern twice. As an analogy… if you started out traveling around the perimeter of the universe through curved space, by the time you got back to the same point in space that you had started from the fractal formula would have changed enough that it would no longer be recognizable as the same reality you had previously been in and experienced. So on and on you’d go traveling through the curvature of finite space experiencing an infinite number of different realities and worlds unfolding before you. You’d never be able to determine that you had in fact started a new revolution around the universal spheroid.

Golden Keys of Cosmic ConsciousnessThe Third Key

The third key is that awareness and consciousness follows this same expansion and for the same reasons. Reality is infinitely expanding, and awareness must infinitely expand to encompass it.

This is a greatly simplified version of these principles. I’ll explore this topic in much greater depth in an article (or series thereof) dedicated to this topic fairly soon.

Fractals & Sacred Geometry as ConsciousnessFor now, I just want you to better understand what your journey watching the video above represents… before you actually watch it! In your meditative video journey you’ll begin with the all-seeing eye of awareness rapidly expanding into a bit of a cosmic journey meant to induce an expansive feeling in your being. You will then alternate between zooming into a fractal pattern and then back into various representations of the cosmos and back to the fractal yet again… all the while the fractal keeps changing and evolving everytime you return to it. In the end, you will be embraced by an infinity eight loop in a really powerful visual way… follow the tracer around the infinity eight loop with your eyes for maximum effect… then you’ll go through a spiraling wormhole vortex to explore your own infinite nature… open up to it! Infinite awareness expanding is what you are… I want to help you FEEL and EXPERIENCE this more profoundly and to be informed and transformed by that experience!

NOTE: I created the sound track of this video to help you to disengage your ego mind… to help it let go of everything that might limit or interfere with your experience of your own infinite awareness expansion. There’s what I refer to as a ‘disorientation pattern’ of rather cosmic proportions built into the sound matrix. This, combined with our (Karen & Simeon) vocal toning with intention, and the Universal Theta Gateway frequency binaural beats (headphones required) at 5.13 Hz which is in the lower range of Theta Waves, generated by 55Hz/60.13 Hz base tones (Gamma Waves), and some other cosmic type music that weaves in subtlely in the beginning and closing portions, makes for quite a cosmic journey indeed! That’s why we’re here, to help you experience more expansive states of the cosmic consciousness you aleady are!

Have a great cosmic journey, and because watching this video does NOT attempt to bring you back into normal reality at the end but rather turns you loose to free flow into infinite expansion of your awareness… PLEASE remember to allow ample time (at least 30 minutes) for returning to normal waking states before driving or operating any type of potentially dangerous machinery or appliances!

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Author Simeon

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  • Rob van Steensel says:

    Beautiful video !! None seen like this before.
    Created at a certain point a feeling of fluidity in my brain which also lifted a sense of limitation which was there before that point looking at the geometries.

    • Simeon says:

      Hi Rob, we’re delighted to see you here… and that this video (which was a real labor of love) opened up some fluidity and a greater sense of freedom from limitations for you! I must have watched it a hundred times in the process of creating it and kept getting different experiences, some of which made the linear technical process of creating it more difficult haha!

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