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Begin This Exploration

Take the Exploration of TruthThis article is an expanded cosmic plane exploration of the dynamics involved in finding truth amidst all the misinformation that characterizes our modern world. You’ll therefore NOT find any positions being taken herein regards what may be information, and what may be misinformation ‘out there.’ You WILL benefit from some deeper insights and consciousness explorations that can help you find your own positions in this regard.

Perhaps most importantly, you will learn how to more firmly establish and sustain a universal resonance with your own cosmic consciousness self that’s  neutral to and beyond all such positions. This will allow you to remain open to the ‘factual positions’ held by others and what they may mean to them. This empowers you to interact with and embrace a far more diverse group of people in a beautifully unified manner. It’s from this place of beingness that a higher consciousness bridge can be truly built across the great chasms of polarity and animosity that divide our world’s societies and prevent us from respecting each other and working together in ways that are beneficial for the whole.

Go From Bridges to Transcendence

Building Consciousness Bridges with LoveIn truth, we also need to go beyond even the idea of a bridge. Bridges span distances between two points. What we ultimately need to accomplish is to dissolve or collapse the distances that our bridge gets built to span across. The bridge will still serve a purpose and represent your first step. You just need to recognize that once it’s built you have another level to engage in order to bring the New Earth that your heart desires into truly being a living reality on Earth.

The only way we can dissolve the distance is through changing our perceptions, and the only way we can change our perceptions is by expanding our awareness into a larger context. As our awareness and context for reality expands, we undergo a form of transcendence. This is not an aloof version of transcendence, however. It is one which is still fully present here on Earth, but which has come to accept that there is a purpose for everything we perceive because it implicitly KNOWS that if there was no purpose for something it simply would not exist.

Take An Immensely Powerful Inner Journey

Doing all of that represents an immensely powerful journey. Most of this undertaking will of necessity take place inside of your own consciousness and being. You will achieve ever more unification within your self of many inner voices. From here you can establish a progressively stronger Core Energy Resonance (CER) that can serve as your navigator in life. As this occurs your entire context for life on Earth will expand immensely, and the daily flow of your journey on Earth will smooth out.

Taking an Immensely Powerful Cosmic Journey into YourselfThis smoothing out doesn’t mean that you won’t have any more challenges presenting themselves in your life. It does mean that HOW you experience such challenges and deal with them will change a great deal. These challenges will actually serve to inspire you to reach new levels of awareness and consciousness that more fully represent the love that you are and always have been. You will be empowered to be more fully PRESENT with these challenges and any people and/or situations involved in them. All this is possible when you’re able to remain centered in the experience of your Core Self of pure love and cosmic consciousness.

Contemplate for a bit just how powerful an experience it can be to have an ability whereby nothing that comes along can take you out of your deep center, nothing. Your center here is defined as Core Self which is an energetic place inside of your being where you feel not only just alright, but also completely safe and empowered in your own eternal cosmic being no matter what’s happening around you.

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Just Say No to Separation

Just Say No to Separation and Unify with LoveThis expanded state of being does not require you to separate or disconnect from anyone else to experience it. If along your way to developing this state you need to disconnect from some people that’s also fine. Just realize that the disconnecting part of this is not the ultimate goal of your journey, it is but a stepping stone. If you must disconnect from someone or something it is also rather important to recognize that this is due to your own limitations of the moment, which is quite different than making the other person or situation the cause of the disconnection in your mind.

This is a very important adjustment to be made from how disconnecting from other people is usually accomplished. Why? Because to disconnect due to a perception or belief that something is wrong with the other person or an external situation is a projection. A projection occurs when you have not taken 100% responsibility for what you’re experiencing inside of your own self and being. Whenever this occurs your ability to experience your Core Self of Pure Love gets interfered with or even temporarily eliminated. Don’t let that happen to yourself.

NOTE: There are dangerous situations where it can be necessary to disconnect for personal safety reasons, these are not what I’m addressing here. If you’re in one of those situations disconnecting physically should indeed occur. For people in these potentially dangerous circumstances the principles herein still apply regards HOW you go about it… in other words the state of consciousness that you engage disconnecting from can make a huge difference in your outcome and how you feel inside of yourself from that point onward.

Take 100% Responsibility

Taking 100% Responsibility for You Experience Inside YourselfAlways take 100% responsibility for how you experience things inside of your own being. Others can be held accountable for their actions or words if necessary, but if you hold them accountable for how you feel about their actions of words inside of your own self, then you’re relinquishing your own power by sending your energy to whomever or whatever you’ve projected it to. Once this occurs you’ll then have to change what the other person(s) or situation is doing in order to be able to feel something different inside of yourself.
Is that type of projected and entangled disempowerment what you wish to have as your reality? Of course not… so it’s important to become as self-aware as possible of where and how this dynamic takes place, and reign it in. Once you do, you’ll have the power to shift how you experience whatever occurs in an entirely different way, and it can happen very quickly and easily too.

All that’s required then to take 100% responsibility is to be self-aware of when you have a reaction of some type in response to what someone else said or did. In the moment you become aware of the reaction you’re having simply affirm to yourself over and again that how you respond or react to what occurred is entirely YOUR choice. Then choose to respond from who you really are as a being of love instead. To hold someone else accountable for how you’re responding or reacting inside your self, how you feel about what they said or did, destroys you mentally and emotionally, it drains your energy and it ruins your health. So view doing this 100% responsibility thing as something that you are doing as an act of self-love and self-preservation, versus something you’re doing for the other person involved.

Live Closer to the Truth

I’ve gone on elaborating about this expanded state of being because it has everything to do with finding truth in the mis-information age we’re living in. Truth really can’t be defined by mere facts. This is because there can be facts that are true for some people and not for others simultaneously. These types of facts fall into the category of subjective truths.

For example some people may believe that the leader of their country is doing a very good job while others may feel he’s doing a really poor job. These two groups of people could argue and discuss  this subjective difference of perspective abd opinion until the cows come home. Yet, despite all their arguments and discussions it’s not very likely that anything would ever really get resolved. This is because each group would likely still feel that they alone possess the truth, and that there’s something inherently wrong with the other group’s way of thinking and/or believing.

Then, there are also facts that are by nature going to be binary, where they’re true or not. For example, the fact that someone did the gardening today, or the fact that they didn’t do the gardening today. This situation can only have one factually true answer because it’s an objective truth. These types of facts generate as many divisions and/or polarities, nor the tensions that they bring. When they do it will be because one party is either lying about what occurred or witnessed it differently. You’ll find this type of polarized division represented a lot in various court cases.

Living Beyond Facts in the Cosmic Truth of LoveThe good news is that there is an entirely different level of truth possible. This level of truth is not at all dependent upon objective or subjective facts, or which version of them you believe to be true. This other level of truth is, in the ultimate sense, a highly expanded state of consciousness and awareness wherein you know with absolute certaintly in every cell of your body that the only Truth is Love. This level of knowing is not an abstract concept or idea. It’s a living reality within your being that can grow so very strong that virtually nothing can seduce you into leaving that deep place of knowing.

From this place you are able to embrace differences in points of view, beliefs and ways of doing things. You will still have your own preferences of course, and this is as it should be. However, your ability to autonomously recognize the points you have in common with others will allow you to more fully honor and respect others and their views, beliefs and ways of doing things.

Being able to live from that ONEderful place is the ultimate experience in finding Truth in the mis-information age that we live in. The so-called facts will then be so much less important. When you’re experiencing this cosmic state of being, if you believe some set of objective facts may be incorrect, you’ll be able to address it in a very warm-hearted, gentle and respectful way that honors the other person or group. In doing this you become a living breathing example of the change you wish to see in the world. The moreliving breathing examples there are of this state of being, the more easily others will be able to recognize how amazing it is and make that shift themselves.

It’s only through this movement of love flowing out across the world from many unified hearts that we can change our world to be something that’s more equitable, fair and respectful of all beings. It’s here in this sublime space of cosmic consciousness that you can find the ultimate Truth of Love, and transcend the need to niggle and struggle with others about subjective and/or objective facts which really no longer matter so much…


Experience Your Core State NOW!

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Author Simeon

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