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Universal Stellar Life-Streams Series – Quanta 2

The unusual esoteric names used herein are derived from a universal Star Tribe language used within the Nardee Network of all unified worlds. This transmission of energy was originally received in 2012. The meditation in this video represents the 2nd Octave or Quanta of the energy. It’s energy form is now more expanded, mature, grounded and integrated with our Earth’s collective soul.

  • Vibrational Signature: Ang’La’Ja (AHNG-la-JAH – w/ “j” sound)
  • Supernal Characteristics: Angel of Divine Joy
  • Earth Reality Devic Manifestation: the Hummingbird with its many variants.
  • Other-Realm Reality-Sourcing: the 9D Angelic Realm of Den’hir (DEN-hear)

New Earth Pure Consciousness Temple Resonances

Temple of Hu’Orin
All Embracing Love
Temple of Sha’Lem
Peace of Stillness Within
Learn More About These Temples

Within the Angelic Realm of Den’hir, Ang’La’Ja manifests as pure highly radiant multi-colored light patterns which shift and dance continually as expressions of Divine Joy. Ang’La’Ja is in a sense the heart of Den’hir, and Den’hir is the Angelic Heart of Orion.

Within our Solar System, our planet Earth also serves as a heart chakra. Therefore, Den’hir and Earth have a special heart-resonance connection. As beings of Pure Love that are engaged in the collective consciousness experiment of Earth, we too have a special heart-resonance connection with the Realm of Den’hir. The two New Earth Temples of Pure Consciousness shown above offer powerful portals, or launch pads if you will, to making a more profound heart resonance connection with the Realm of Den’hir.

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Author Simeon

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