This article is not going to mention any particular conspiracy theory. It’s not going to specifically tell you that conspiracy theories are good or bad, that’s a dualistic perspective and cosmic consciousness is very much about transcending or harmonizing duality. It will, however, point out some of the larger problems inherent in conspiracy theories from a purely energetic and cosmic consciousness type prerspective.

Looking for Light through the Mask of Illusion
This article’s real purpose is therefore to inspire you to some deeper reflection and introspection regards the underlying consciousness that’s involved in these conspiracy theories. In being able to move into a larger, more cosmic and universal awareness, you’ll find an opportunity to become further empowered to serve the purpose your soul incarnated on this Earthly plane to fulfill. You’ll thus be better able to perceive just how any given conspiracy theory helps you fulfill your soul purpose, or not.
As you are surely aware, conspiracy theories have become not only highly popular, but they have succeeded in forming highly energized bands of followers that diligently promote their conspiracy theories with great vigor. Many times such activities may come at a huge cost to the adherent’s human relationships as well as to the development and presence of the energy of cooperation with others to create a better world for all. Amongst the followers of conspiracy theories I’ve noticed that it is quite common to view the loss of human relationships as being the price of ‘awakening.’ Ultimately this is a point of view that perceives one’s self as somehow being superior to the rest of the ‘unawakened’ masses who can’t begin to fathom the great truth of the individuals favored conspiracy theory(s). This is rather like looking for the light through the mask of illusion.
I’ll be the first to acknowledge that it’s human behaviour and the consciousness that underlies it which is at the root of all of this. If you are entirely clear in your being you can peruse conspiracy theory materials without becoming a victim to the polarizing model it perpetrates. You can thus learn a great deal about human consciousness by simply observing what’s taking place in that cell of consciousness. This is not what’s largely occurring though.

Conspiracies Create & Feed Illusions
Conspiracy theories always operate on division and polarity. However, truth at the universal level cannot be found in division and polarity. It actually requires a victim mindset to believe whole-heartedly in conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories always involve a victimiser and its victims. This is why they are so popular. The victimizers are the focal point of the story that the conspiracy theory tells. The story always enlists unwitting people who then become believing followers and who subsequently feel themselves (and others) to be the victims of the victimizer who must somehow be exposed or stopped. Conspiracy theories therefore create and feed illusions.
The conspiracy storyline thus entraps its believers within a powerful game of projection that disempowers them so that it may continue to take advantage of them. All the while the storyline keeps informing you that it’s the victimizer that’s taking advantage of you. To be truly effective at achieving this, conspiracy stories always include some requisite core elements. These are comprised of all the very bad things that the victimizer has done, is doing, or is planning on doing which will harm you and others.
Conspiracy theories also attempt to give the victims which are its believers and followers a sense of power in numbers, and a supposed access to some secret knowledge about what’s going on and who’s responsible which leads to a deeper feeling of security in being one who ‘knows’ the victimizers dirty little secrets. These conspiracy stories also always use a sprinkling of real facts that can be proven to be true easily enough in order to add to the credibility of the fabricated storyline. These real facts then get woven into a very distorted and yet compelling story. However, conspiracy theory stories and information never lead anyone to any type of universal truth or higher awareness.
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Elite Manipulate People as Puppets
That said, I am very aware that there are indeed elite humans of great wealth and power that desire to dominate and control the people and resources on planet Earth. These people actually use conspiracy theories as a tool to capture unwitting but well-meaning people who are otherwise able to think out of the box.
They do this in order to keep them tied up chasing down the end of the rainbow which can never be found so that they will never pose any real threat to their agendas. Instead they become so consumed with their conspiracy theory mindsets that they form tribes that each believe in different versions of these stories and they often argue with each other over whose version of a story, or whose story is correct.
I realze that what I am saying about the elites is in and of itself a conspiracy theory of sorts. However, where I come from in relationship to this story is love. All of these elite beings are in their essence also souls and beings of love and they are part of us. If we are to believe in the interconnectedness of all things and beings (Cosmic Consciousness) then we cannot truthfully believe otherwise. We need to send these beings our love, not our disjointed thoughts and emotions full of judgements, fears, animosity, aversions or hatred.
Where your attention goes energy flows. If you are continually focused on fear, adversity, hatred or feelings of victimhood — or aggressions which can provide one with an illusionary experience of having surmounted such disempowering feelings — then this is what you’ll create more of in the world. You’ll do so all the while thinking that you’re somehow part of the solution too. This deepens the illusion even further and draws you ever further from an experience of the Pure Love of your soul being, the CORE of what ALL beings are. It’s in this way that through conspiracy theories the elite can effectively manipulate people as puppets.
They do this all the while making them believe that they’re bringing the elite to justice somehow. Quite the cosmic paradox actually and the joke is really on those of us that fall for it. I have done so many times in the past myself. I also broke free with the same type of awareness I’m sharing with you herein.
I know deeply in my heart that it’s also true that there isn’t anyone who truly cares about others, creatures and our planet — a real person of heart — who would wish to see anyone causing human suffering or engaging in human exploitation so I understand the motivation for people wanting to correct these problems. Unfortunately there’s a great deal of this going on in our world at this time and it’s not just the elite engaging in it.
We must understand that we incarnated here to bring our love into these circumstances to expand and to evolve them… to reveal the beauty of the underlying love within all patterns of energy here in our world. We cannot do this from a place of victimhood, division, fear, or hatred of anything, regardless how crazy and dark it may seem.

Pure Love Incarnates on Earth as Soul Beings for a Purpose
I personally do not spend any time at all on conspiracy websites, regardless of whether they are left leaning or right leaning, because they do not offer me the universal truth that I truly seek to embody and to which I am speaking of herein. This is that Pure Love incarnates on Earth as soul beings for a purpose.
Some food for cosmic thought…
Despite the large number of people that are now embroiled in the far too numerous conspiracy theories we have today, and which have existed for many, many years, this has never changed anything for the better that I can ascertain. I have conducted a great deal of careful research and have given this more than due consideration over many years. I have searched for evidence that somehow these conspiracy theories have actually changed things for the better in some case, somewhere… but unfortunately I have found absolutely none whatsoever anywhere at any time.
All changes that have occurred which might seem to have been related to conspiracy theories, in the end were traceable to the efforts of people that largely just worked through the existing systems. For the most part these people didn’t pay much attention to any related conspiracy theories. In fact, conspiracy theories often make it harder for these people to effect change because they tend to get labeled as conspiracy theory nuts when they’re not.
I know that there are many diehard believers in various conspiracy theories that will argue to no end that they are changing, or have changed something. From the cosmic perspective I can truthfully say to them that the only thing they’re changing is the harmonic distance between their soul and their own experience as a human being on Earth. The more division, polarity and victimhood they enter into by believing more and more strongly in these conspiracy theories the larger that distance becomes.
This is the mental-emotional prison that those with dark agendas want to place all free-thinking people into on Earth. I encourage you to be wise enough and strong enough to not fall for it. You and your soul are needed more than ever as beacons of universal love at this time on Earth. Send your Pure Soul Love energy even to those whom you believe to be the cause suffering and exploitation of others. This is the only hope that we have of bringing them to a higher level of awareness and understanding so that ALL of our collective beingness can move forward.
Sending them more of the energy of division, polarity, fear, hatred or animosity will result in your good intentions actually working to amplify the dark energies within these beings which will make them far less likely to change. I know this is not what you want to see happen and certainly you would not wish to be complicit in bringing it about.

Send the Light of Love to Even Those Who Cause Problems
Instead I encourage you to send the light of love to even those that cause problems on the planet. Even if you’re wrong about what they’re doing because of being misinformed by a conspiracy theory or two, at least engaging this Cosmic Love process causes no harm and does much good by increasing the vibration, frequency and awareness of love on our beautiful planet.
I would encourage you to form meditation groups and global links to further strengthen this energy on our beloved Earth. Make absolutely sure before you begin that you and/or your group clear all thought-forms and emotions that are not of love. This must include all judgements of ‘bad’ that you and/or your group may harbor about those who you will be sending love to. I repeat… work to see, feel or sense them as beings of love just like yourself, this is so VERY important.
You will be amazed at the power of the process that can unfold when you can truly achieve this. Further, always engage such higher level processes with the intention of doing what’s ‘in the best and highest good of all concerned.‘ This needs to be done with the full recognition that in most cases it will be virtually impossible for any of us to know exactly what that may actually entail, there is oh so much we are NOT aware of. Leave that part to the infinitely wise and loving Universal Mind and Heart and trust implicitly in the process of surrendering that to the larger part of our beingness we call God/Source/Cosmos etc.
I would also encourage you to use the principles of Unity which are embodied in the popular Mayan spiritual greeting, ‘In’Lakesh’… I AM another you,’ or similar.
In this way you can serve the purpose that you’ve incarnated for on Earth at this time by being an active part of increasing the vibration, frequency and awareness of love and thus the Superluminal Light quotient on our beautiful planet Earth through your own Pure Consciousness Temple. Perhaps on the surface this type of thing may seem somewhat mundane. The truth is, however, that being proficient at this type of thing is about as cosmic as it gets while still being in a body on Earth… I’ll see you on the Cosmic Plane!
BTW… do you see any symbolism in the image at top of this page with the lighthouse relative to the title of the article?
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Hi Simeon & Karen💛
It’s so great to hear from you again and this very timely subject regarding conspiracy theories! Surely this time is challenging, though I also see the beauty rising out of it and feel the whispers of hope and renewal brushing gently against the tides of the illusion of separateness. Thank you for all that you do💜
Patricia in Colorado
Hi Patricia, good to hear from you hear and we’re delighted that this article resonated for you. Stay strong in the love and help others do the same, it’s the only solution we have that will make any change in the long run!
Hi Simeon,
This was very wonderful and timely. Instead of discussing conspiracy creations with friends who are drawn into them subtly, I can now share this well written blog. It appears to me that to engage in conspiracy and right vs wrong is one of the final recognitions before leaping into the unity where all works together and absolutely everyone belongs. For me, a desire to “save the world” was a subtle hook where a conspiracy might catch me. I had to recognize that our world is a beautiful cosmic flower that is opening and no saving is needed for any of us. It’s always good to read your work. Much love to you and your lovely wife! Best always!
Hi Lynda, it’s wonderful to hear from you again! I’m delighted that the article resonated for you. Indeed, the “save the world” syndrome is a hook and many times more than a subtle one. I like to stay focused on the truth that we live in an intelligent loving universe, and as such everything is perfect as it is and it has a purpose for existing or it wouldn’t exist. This definitely helps to stay focused on the world as a beautiful cosmic flower that needs no saving! Love those words you used too!
Good article indeed The way of the world is learning the way of chi kung is unlearning the learning. Learn what needs to be learned then apply it to the self if it has no practical purpose then indeed let it go. In this way when it comes time to crush the nothingness there will be time. I love your work and your words are felt keep it up we see and appreciate the effort. I am still working through old posts from Maia and yourself it has been an interesting road. My being has settled and is adjusting to some changes , I am very remote loll and communicate via the internet I am happy to have been lead to your information Thank You it arrived at the most beneficial time and has been helpful in understanding again the processes the mind and body goes through. As you can understand by experience the AWAKENING TIMES has been differ cult but most now has been transmuted
At times I am if you like away with the fairies loll until my body and mind has time to integrate the changes. So The energy was initiated from me but know that I only have and hold genuine love and devotion to the mission at hand. I am feeling well balanced at this moment so I intended to show some clarity into the circumstances . I hope that explains my interest . I am also interested in sharing experiences within the transitioning of the AK into the body I have also developed many techniques that may be of interest at a later stage . Any way if you are unsure in any way follow your instinct as its what lead me to you guys and girls. If in doubt don,t that is my motto. If you gecide not to keep up all the great work your making a HUGE difference LOVE EVER
Hi Willi, TY for your comment and heartfelt support in this most important work.
Hi Simeon, Thank you so much for this. It’s very timely to forward to a friend who right now is having a very hard time due to the negative impact of social media and all the conspiracy theories doing the rounds. The timing is amazing really.
I hope you and your wife are well. I see you have moved. Not sure when. I was last in touch around 2013. So much has happened and it’s just been impossible to keep up with everyone. I was very pleased when your recent e-mails came in.
I am planning on moving myself too this year, not to Glastonbury as was my plan but to a small place on the coast near Brighton which I like the think of as “Glastonbury by the sea”. I will still visit the true Glastonbury when I can.
Many thank again.
Blessings Sally-Anne
Hi Sally-Anne, thanks for your comments and for sharing that this article was helpful. We wish the very best for you in your new home!