If you have an emotional charge there’s something that needs be accepted just as it is.
In the opening statement above, the ‘emotional charge‘ represents the heavy element of lead… pure acceptance is the alchemy which works its metaphysical magic and converts it into the golden light of full-on ascension potentials.
If you’re dedicated to developing cosmic awareness and consciousness, this is the MOST important metaphysical skill and spiritual ability that you’ll need to become adept within, bar none. If you can’t properly transmute your own emotional energy charge you won’t be able to move into into more expanded states of awareness and consciousness. Instead, you’ll continually be subject to anything that comes along which can trigger or elicit an emotional charge within you. This can happen at both gross and subtle levels. As I’m sure you know, this world has no shortage of ways of enticing you into engaging this complete evolutionary deadend!
In the first part of this article I’m going to further establish the basis for this being the most important metaphysical skill and spiritual ability that you’ll need to become adept within. Achieving this is a precursor for experiencing far more advanced states of being. These advanced states are NOT out of your reach either. Any dedicated heart-centered individual who wants to experience and realize them can do it.
This metaphysical skill and spiritual ability is also necessary for what I refer to as ‘cosmic prepping.’ I will only touch briefly on this topic here. I’ve been developing a program around ‘cosmic prepping’ your awareness, consciousness, knowledge and spiritual skills, all of which will be very empowering. It’ll be focused on prepping for the upcoming catastrophes that the Earth and her inhabitants are going to experience, and which are of a nature that very few people truly comprehend. What has been spoken widely of regards Earth Changes are mild in comparison to what we are truly going to experience. This will involve hugely powerful energies from galactic center, the Sun and even the core and atmosphere of our Earth. These are energies that will exist on nearly all electromagnetic levels and spectrums, heat levels and pure kinetic levels, and all in very powerful forms.
This cosmic prepping will mostly be done in an energetic and spiritual way only, it’s not so much about physical survival stuff. I will address some higher forms of the physical survival part simply because there will be a window of time before the ascension energy surge occurs where we will need to deal with some adversities. It will help you to prepare your aura, your energy bodies and your physical body to be able to handle the immense energies and radiation the Earth is going to receive at a future not-too-distant time. If you are adequately prepared, these energies can be converted and utilized beneficially to bring the atomic structures of your physical body into a higher speed of light and thus increase your atomic spin rate whereby you’ll ascend into a higher reality construct… physical body and all, without experiencing a normal death transition. Meanwhile, this cosmic prepping will also greatly empower you in your life on this plane of reality!
Let’s return to the SACRED HOW of the MOST PRECIOUS NOW… consider for a moment how becoming an adept with an ability to exist in a state that’s largely free of any emotional charge (judgement) will change your experience of life in ways that may be hard to imagine. This would include having an ability to quickly and effectively transmute an emotional charge arising on any occasion where one still might be triggered or elicited. Toting around a sizable hoard of various emotional charges takes an awful lot of energy. It places massive limits on your ability to relate to others, and to experience a wider spectrum of life on our beloved planet. It also makes your entire biophysical, auric and light body system extremely unstable. It would be unstable in ways whereby it would never handle the catastrophic surge of ascension energies I’m speaking about, let alone be able to convert them into beneficial energetics for your ascension.
If you’ve been drawn to the energy of this article I’m sure you can relate to what I’m saying to some degree. However, there’s a lot more that you can greatly benefit from by developing a more expanded understanding about all of this. Take a moment or two to assess what first comes to mind when you hear the term ’emotional charge?’ Does it conjure up images of an angry externalized outburst? Does it bring up thoughts of an internalized type of reaction? Does your first impression of an emotional charge seem to be related more to fear than anger? Is it externalized or internalized for you? Do you relate it to people that seem to be able to easily ‘push your buttons?’ Share your insights in the COMMENTS BELOW, they’ll be helpful to me and others!
All of those things are indeed examples of emotional charge. As a rough set of guidelines, if you experience that type of thing more than once a week, you need to start working at this level first. You need to get to where you can cut that down to only experiencing such emotional charge events once a month or less before moving on.
However, this guide also must include another element of assessment to be truly effective. How long you harbor an emotional charge matters a great deal. We are all a bit different. Some people have the ability to transmute an emotional charge rapidly and return to Core Self almost immediately after being triggered. In this case being triggered more frequently than once a month is not such an issue.
On the other hand, there are also people who tend to hold onto an emotional charge for a long time after they’ve been triggered. They sort of circulate around in that turbulent energy and have a difficult time finding their way out of it. In this case, being triggered even once a month is probably going to be far too frequent. Another dynamic to be considered; what’s your degree of exposure to things that can trigger or elicit an emotional charge? In other words, it’s somewhat of a percentages game. Of the times you COULD have been triggered, what percentage of those actually produced an emotional charge… strong, weak or subtle?
Therefore, as with all things the realm of emotional charge has many different levels and faces to it as well. It can be quite subtle, and there’re lots of people in the holistic, spiritual and metaphysical communities that have effectively dealt with the grosser and more superficial levels of emotional charge, which represents some fabulous progress! Yet many of them are still bound up in subtler versions of the very same dynamic and don’t realize it. You may be thinking, “how can I know if I’m one of the people caught up in these subtler levels of emotional charge?” I would hope that you’re indeed contemplating that, it’s a very good sign that you’re heading in the right direction!
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This is also where things get quite interesting from a cosmic perspective. It’s where we get right down into the fundamentals that many people think they’ve already mastered, but in truth they really haven’t just yet. I’ve been there myself, so I know first hand. It’s a very seductive dynamic because the ego loves to see itself as the master of anything, need I say more? Therefore, the very first thing we must do is to adopt an attitude or mindset that we’re really NOT the master of anything, there’s ALWAYS going to be more to go. I sometimes call this the ‘Cosmic Humility Tool.’ Regardless of what you call it, this tool is quite helpful for keeping your ego aligned to the more expansive processes at hand.
Now, getting back to answering your question… “how can I know if I’m one of the people caught up in these subtler levels of emotional charge?” All you need to do is determine to what degree you relate to things as negative, dark, bad or evil. ANY perceptions along these lines carry an emotional charge. Those emotional charges, even the subtler ones, keep you bound to, and connected with, whatever triggered your emotional charge… the thing you perceived to be negative, dark, bad or evil. Your emotional charge then AMPLIFIES the energy which triggered it. The stronger your emotional charge, the greater the power is that you’re supplying to that amplifier. Is it any wonder you feel drained after dealing with a strong emotional charge?
What complicates this whole dynamic and makes it virtually impossible for many people to escape is the addition of secondary projections. Let me explain… this is when you have an initial emotional charge triggered about something that you perceive as being negative, dark, bad or evil. Then you proceed to double down in a type of blaming or scapegoating mode by holding whatever triggered your emotional reaction to be accountable for HOW you feel about it inside of yourself. When this occurs you’ve basically taken chains and a padlock and bound yourself to whatever that energy is.
Once this occurs you’ll then fight all the harder to be free of that energy because it feels so awful, and the harder you fight it, the stronger it gets. This then leads to perceptions and feelings that you’re under attack by darkness and must therefore take measures to protect yourself. The problem with that is, all of these measures are ineffective in the long run because it’s only your own emotional charge, generated by your perception that this other thing is negative, dark, bad or evil, that brought you into the space of doing battle with it in the first place. There’s ONLY one way out of a predicament like this…
Pure acceptance is the alchemical solvent that releases you from the perceptions of negative, dark, bad or evil. This then transmutes the lead of that heavy emotional energy into the golden ray of love-light as your Core Self emerges into expression in your human experience. Then and only then, are you free to live life fully in a stable manner, with your physical and spiritual eyes wide open, but no fear. Until you reach this point you’re living in a box without realizing it. It’s like you don’t know what you don’t know. Or more accurately, you’re not aware of what you’re not aware of… just yet. The ego also has a propensity to deny that there might be something further to be known or aware of, and in this way it can keep you stuck in this dismal place.
Understanding HOW to apply pure acceptance correctly is therefore critical to your success in this endeavor. You must understand and KNOW in every cell of your body, and every fiber of your being, that you’re NOT condoning anything by accepting it. You’re also NOT assuming a position that you don’t care by accepting it. You’re also NOT accepting that whatever it is would be something desirable for your life or the new world you want to co-create. It’s NONE of those… it’s simply a recognition that we live in an intelligent universe. As such, everything that exists has a purpose for existing whether we cognize what that purpose is or not. That’s it… done, period, paragraph!
I find it helpful to adopt a simple universal truth that can be applied to all energies and situations, and which helps me feel deeply that something has a purpose for existing despite the fact I don’t resonate with it at all. This simple truth is that it can be perceived to serve the singular purpose of helping us and others to love and accept everything more completely. BOOM! That’s simple, and simple is usually effective! Given that love is the foundation of the universe which I resonate with, this solution also resonates deeply for me! How about you? Once I’ve moved into that point of perception, I can then more easily release any associated emotional charge and expand way beyond any limited perceptions I have about it being negative, dark, bad or evil. I simply accept that whatever it is has a purpose for existing, or it would not exist in an intelligent loving universe.
This is a tried and true method. I’ve used it with many people and myself over quite a long time. It’s extremely effective. It works quite rapidly for most people. I had a Facebook friend recently report that it was almost instantaneous transformation when he used it. He indicated he was no longer angry at all sorts of things that he perceived were unjust in the world. He was thus no longer being weighed down by the angry emotional charge he’d been toting around for so long. Yay! Another soul liberated to another degree, this is what I exist for!
Take a few moments here to contemplate what I’m relating about how you may perceive things and people as being negative, dark, bad or evil. When these types of perceptions arise in response to something external to you, what type of feeling do you experience inside of yourself? Do you like that feeling? Would you like to not have to experience it any more?
If your answer to that last question is YES, follow the simple steps below to employ some cosmic alchemy to transmute that heavy dull lead into the glittering gold of universal love and acceptance.
- Recognize and acknowledge that your own perceptions and thoughts about something being negative, dark, bad or evil are generating the awful feeling inside of yourself.
- Move into a more expanded state of awareness by affirming that everything has a purpose for existing, or it simply wouldn’t exist!
- Notice how what you’re feeling inside your being starts to shift immediately even though the other thing or person has not really changed at all.
- Assess how you’re feeling now. If you still have some of that awful feeling left, repeat steps 1 – 3 until it has been transmuted completely.
It’s important to follow through to completion like Step 4 encourages. Doing so activates a much more expansive pattern of energy and awareness within your DNA, and it re-patterns the energy of your cells and your neuronal synapses.
It is this very important piece of light work that tends to be missing from a lot of the higher level activations taking place all over the world. If you go through higher level activations and get tossed into detoxification responses and/or other types of processing, it’s likely because your field is not stablized properly. I’d like to discuss briefly one very common way many people get out of balance as a result of higher level activations. This is when you have an massive expansion of subtle awareness as a result of the activation. As a result you suddenly become aware of a whole lot more stuff that can then be judged to be negative, dark, bad or evil.
If you do judge those things you’ve just become aware of like that you will be immediately impacted adversely. This de-stabilizes your field and causes a whole host of difficult energetics to arise to be dealt with. This is where many people begin to believe they’re being attacked by the dark forces as they become a brighter light. The real truth of the matter is quite different though.
Their own judgement of energies they have just become aware of on ever subtler levels as being negative, dark, bad or evil is what’s causing them to suck those energies inside of their own being like a magnet, and to then crystallize them therein. The harder they fight these energies, the more they draw them in AND amplify them inside of themselves. It becomes an extremely vicious cycle very quickly. It has knocked many good light workers out of the box over and again for quite some time. Some of them have even been taken out for good by this dynamic.
The solution is so very simple, and it’s actually quite easy to do. Becoming fairly adept at it can be done in a reasonable period of time. It requires that you understand the metaphysics of the energy involved well enough to intrinsically know why it works. This leads to the development of a deep core belief around how necessary and important it is to you and our world which is in the throes of a major transformation.
Soon, I will reveal more about how important this simple alchemical transmutation technique is to the ‘cosmic prepping‘ process that I spoke of earlier, and I’ll be sharing more about what I know is going to be coming to our planet in that regard as well.
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