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Quantum Cosmos

The Ultimate Terminator of Dualistic Consciousness and Separative Illusions

The Ultimate Duality Terminator

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Quantum Cosmos, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

What is Duality… Really?

According to Websters, duality is defined as:

the quality or state of having two different or opposite parts or elements : dualism.

Historically and traditionally these two different parts are often viewed as Heaven/Earth, God/Human, Spirit/Matter, Self/Other, Light/Dark, Good/Evil (a.k.a. old dualities) and so forth.

In terms of quantum physics a fundamental duality of two parts is believed to exist as Wave/Particle and/or Vibration/Matter.

Taijitu Balance of Being Symbol of DualityThese historical fundamental dualities existed long before we were scientifically advanced enough to identify atoms and their related sub-atomic realities such as the Wave/Particle duality. This is, however, quite a key point to contemplate more deeply!

Why? Because it’s easy to see that we were steeped in deeply rooted and often superstitious notions of duality long before we began trying to make sense out of, and interpret our observations of, the quantum world. It’s therefore fairly easy to understand that we’ve been observing and interpreting the quantum world through a rather thick lens of duality from the very beginning.

Given we have measured and observed both wave and matter properties associated with quantum ‘particles,’ it would also be quite natural to interpret quantum particles as having a dualistic Wave/Particle nature. This concept would quite effortlessly emerge out of our age-old dualistic patterns of perception and thinking.

Transcending the Ouroboros Effect

Like the mythological Ouroboros eating its tail, our ancient ways of perceiving reality and of thinking about it, — our age-old beliefs which are steeped in ideas and perceptions about the old dualities — support and reinforce modern thinking about quantum physics in terms of a Wave/Particle duality.

Dragon OuroborosLikewise, the Wave/Particle duality of modern quantum physics in turn helps to keep our ways of perceiving and thinking trapped within the ancient patterns associated with our favorite old duality mythologies and doctrines.

It is in this light, that I have become keenly aware that it’s extremely beneficial to our efforts to transcend duality to more fully comprehend that there really is NO Wave/Particle duality at all, NONE! It’s ALL waves, it’s ALL vibration. It’s NOT sub-atomic bits of solid matter emanating vibrational signatures; the so-called ‘particles’ of matter simply ARE those vibrations, and nothing more!

If you really think about it, this is just common sense when you consider Einstein’s famous E=MC2 physics equation. This equation basically states that energy and matter are the same, that they can be converted one into the other, and back again. This is rather hard to imagine logically if you have discrete point particles that are like sub-atomic grains of sand. However, it’s much easier to imagine if you have nothing but vibrational energy to begin with. In the latter case we’re then only speaking of changing the frequency of the vibrations which increases/decreases energy as a result. This is a process which follows all the classical laws of physics that have been around for a very long time. No additional extremely complicated quantum physics math is necessary to try and explain the observations.

Yet our scientific world persists in chasing the discrete point particle model of quantum physics. There are many practical reasons for why this state of affairs exists, such as there’s a large amount of scientific funding available for it, scientists get attacked and lose their careers if they veer too far from the accepted paradigm, and so forth. Further complicating the adoption of something new is the fact that the current wave/particle model mathematics work reasonably well for many engineering purposes. I’m quite sure you are at least familiar with some of these problems, so I’ll not elaborate any further on any of them herein. There is, however, still the other age-old dualistic perceiving/thinking component to this problem which I have briefly addressed above.

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Unifying the Core Fundamentals of Duality

It is because of our patterned ancient dualistic perceptions that I know it’s important to open up our awareness around the true nature of quantum ‘particles.’ If you’re reading this, you’re one of the more aware people on the planet. People in the spiritual, metaphysical, holistic and alternative health communities have readily adopted the use of terms like ‘quantum entanglement‘ and ‘spooky action at a distance‘ and ‘wave-particle duality.’ They’ve done so as a means of trying to give what they KNOW to be true inside themselves — about the interconnectedness of all things — some validity by using terminology from the scientific world of quantum physics. It’s all rather alluring and kind of mystical after all.

Unifying AI FractalUnfortunately, when we adopt such dualistic terms to describe the true nature of reality we are in fact reinforcing the age-old patterns of dualistic perception and thinking in ourselves and our collective. Consciously, people in my worldwide community tend to seek to unify and eliminate duality. We can, however, greatly benefit in this endeavor by becoming as keenly aware as possible of how to TRULY move beyond duality by adopting an entirely new view and a unified non-dualistic model of quantum physics and the underlying nature of reality.

A Unified Science Supporting Oneness

Fortunately, there is some valid science we can rely on for this as well. If you are at all drawn to science, I suggest reading “Schroedinger’s Universe and the Origin of the Natural Laws” by Milo Wolf PhD… he’s a physicist, an electrical engineer and more. I have written previously about his ‘Wave Structure of Matter’ (WSM) theory and its significance to consciousness here and here.

Temple of Hu'Orin Fractal Art by RayMondIn brief for our purposes herein, the main problem physicists encountered trying to use existing wave equations for quantum particles is that they used vector wave equations, the kind used for electromagnetic radiation such as radio waves. These do not work very well for this purpose. The simple reason is that ‘particles’ are three dimensional and standard electromagnetic wave equations do not have any 3D solutions. Milo Wolff discovered he could use 3D spherical scalar wave equations and the math all works out perfectly using existing math equations, no new math was required.

He then went on to demonstrate that a ‘particle’ is actually a ‘3D spherical wave center’ comprised of in-going and an out-going wave. These two waves set up a space resonance, which is a scalar standing wave. This spherical space resonance wave structure in space has an extremely high density of waves near its center, which is what we detect as the solid ‘particle.’ However, the waves extend out into space infinitely, becoming increasingly less dense as they do. Once their density falls off enough we can no longer detect them with our current instruments, but they exist nonetheless.

The implications of this for our purposes of truly understanding a unified universe and unity consciousness are quite profound. With this model of quantum reality all wave-center particles exist within the extended wave fields of all other wave-center particles. There is therefore no need for concepts like entanglement, because everything is already intrinsically connected with, and integrally a part of, everything else. The bizarre concept of wave-particle duality is also unnecessary because it is then acknowledged to be ALL waves, e.g. vibrations. The sheer volume of complex math and strange concepts that have been invented because this model is not being recognized and used scientifically is quite mind boggling.

Quantum Physics Abstract ArtConcepts like ‘probability clouds,’ the ‘collapse of the wave function‘ and the related mathematical calculations like ‘re-normalization‘ are completely unnecessary with the WSM. It’s all plain and simple, and it is a unified model of reality. Further, while to my knowledge Milo Wolf has not publicly ventured to explore what I am about to address, I have a strong cosmic sense that an understanding of consciousness itself might be found in the ‘last frontier’ of exploring the space medium which all the wave structures exist within. In fact, the space medium was created by these ‘particle’ wave-center structures. In other words, the wave-center quantum ‘particles’ created the space they exist within, and the space they created in turn informs them how to behave; this reciprocity establishes all the natural laws that govern ‘particle’ behavior, and thus the universe.

That last bit is quite profound, and altogether this ‘Wave Structure of Matter’ perspective on the real underlying nature of reality can act as an extremely effective Terminator for Duality for ourselves and our collective. Why might this be possible? It becomes realized when you have stepped out of the foundational Wave/Particle duality altogether. Then you have entered into a unified working theory complete with a rather easy to compute mathematical model that explains the inherent interconnectedness of all things. To top it off like a cosmic cherry on our unity cocktail there is this inter-dependency between space and vibration at the most fundamental level of reality wherein both need each other.

We’re not singular beings that stand alone as an island in the vast sea of the universe. We’re all interconnected like the subatomic particles that populate the atoms of our body, our world and the cosmos. We need each other. Our vibrations open space, and that space lets us know how we should exist within itIF we can learn to listen… clearly and precisely!

Leveraging this Awareness as Your Own Duality Terminator

1. Take a deep contemplative/meditative dive into the classic ancient dualities such as Heaven/Earth, Human/God, Self/Other, Spirit/Matter, Light/Dark, Good/Evil. Open your beingness up to another level of awareness and understanding that reveals how they are all just illusions… two unified parts of a whole that each serve a purpose in the great universal scheme of things. See if you can enter into and integrate a more complete understanding of how each side of these dualities actually exists within the other.

2. Take a second deep contemplative/meditative dive into the Wave/Particle duality. Enter into a more expansive state of awareness to explore how manifest reality is truly all vibration, how vibrations are waves, and how if you have enough waves packed together into a small space they will be detected and thought to be something more solid than they are in truth. We can use an analogy of drawing waves on paper with a pencil; if you draw enough of them in a small area of the paper, it starts to look like a solid object that you’ve filled-in.

3. Take a third deep contemplative/meditative dive into how the illusions of duality are all strictly perceptual, and thus experiencing duality represents a choice because you have the power to choose to perceive and experience something differently. Explore how choosing to shift your perception and thus your experience changes the entire reality you have access to in your field of awareness. This one is a cosmic game changer! HINT: the first two above help prime the pump for this one to flow freely.

I’ll leave you to work with that for now, and to discover some of the secrets and keys awaiting for you in engaging that type of unifying cosmic expansion of awareness.

It could be helpful to others if you would be so kind as to share your experiences and insights with them in the comments below (no login or CAPTCHA puzzles required).

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The Vast Cosmos of Matter, Space and Consciousness

Matter, Space and Consciousness

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Quantum Cosmos, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

Everything is Vibration – a Novel Understanding

In my previous article, ‘Is Matter Really Crystallized Light,’ I explored the underlying nature of matter, and thus manifest reality.

Cosmic VibrationsIt’s commonly stated that everything is vibration, and I fully resonate with that… but with a twist. In the popular way of relating to this concept, matter is seen to be ‘discrete point particles‘ that are emanating a unique vibrational signature. A discrete point particle is envisioned to be something solid, like a sub-atomic sized grain of sand. My twist is based on the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) theory put forth by Milo Wolff PhD, the author of ‘Schrödinger’s Universe and the Origin of the Natural Laws.’ I speak a bit more about this here.

In the WSM there are no discrete point particles, NONE AT ALL. There are only resonant wave structures in space. Therefore, my ‘twist’ is that matter is the pure energy of vibration and NOTHING else. It’s NOT solid matter emanating vibrations, it’s vibration itself, and that is all. This being the case, there’s no such thing as wave-particle duality either, it’s all waves or perturbations in the medium of space (ether).

A True Physics of Unity

Just that realization alone is truly quite profound. The more I think about it, the more profound it becomes too. If you truly contemplate the difference between the standard quantum physics discrete point particle model of reality, and the WSM theory where everything is waves/vibrations, I think you’ll agree it’s a significant leap in understanding. The WSM theory is the one which best represents a Physics of Unity. This is one of many reasons I resonate so well with it.

A Cosmic Temple with cosmos in a bottleThis is true because in the WSM theory, each ‘particle’ is a ‘wave center.’ The waves move in and out of that wave center simultaneously, and they’re 3D spherical waves. The closer you get to the center of the wave center, the more densely packed the waves are. As you move out away from the wave center, the waves become increasingly less densely packed together, and they ultimately extend infinitely into space. As such, ALL wave center ‘particles’ are within the wave-fields of all other wave center ‘particles’ in the universe.

Therefore, all wave center ‘particles’ are already all interconnected via their shared wave-field-space and the properties thereof. There is thus no need for concepts like quantum entanglement which uses complex math to attempt to explain how discrete quantum point particles can exhibit behaviors of direct connection even at great distance. In the WSM theory this connection is innately inherent in the nature of the ‘particles’ or wave centers themselves. This is why I call it a Physics of Unity.

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Quantum Looping Transforming Sentience into Consciousness

There’s a very interesting reciprocal feedback loop present in how the universe works. In the WSM theory, matter as resonant wave structures in space actually creates the space it resides within. However, space in turn informs matter how it must behave within the space it has created. Neither matter nor space can exist without the other, and both are therefore involved in a rather intimate perpetual cosmic dance.

This reciprocal perpetual feedback loop in the space-matter ‘dance’ is something that’s also present as a principle in consciousness. In more limited forms of consciousness, this principle does not seem so apparent. In more expanded forms of consciousness it’s really quite obvious, and moreso as you become increasingly self-aware.

Cosmic Temple of Transformation - Sentience to ConsciousnessThe term ‘self aware’ points to one of the ways this actually manifests. To speak about this I’ll use a model I gleaned many years ago, partially from Steiner’s work, but with key modifications I received from the cosmic plane. In this model, everything has sentience versus consciousness. For our purposes here, we can think of sentience as awareness of other, or things external to the self. It’s like a one-way street, awareness moving out from the self, but not returning to close the circuit.

Consciousness can develop only to the degree that sentience is able to return back into itself, closing the loop. The human mind serves the purpose to accomplish this, and this is indeed the human mind’s primary purpose in our experience. It’s what we use to reflect back on ourselves, and it’s what sets us apart from the other species on our planet. Some other species also possess the ability to develop consciousness from sentience in varying degrees. It’s humans, however, that hold the greatest potential to accomplish this; which is not to say we as a collective are making the best use of it.

Inherent in the development of self-awareness — which is key not only for the development of consciousness itself, but also to realizing higher states of consciousness — is this reciprocal feedback loop, such as is found in the matter-space dance of the WSM. One of the ways this plays out, is that we’ll have an experience and then observe how reality, and others in our reality, respond to us and our experience, actions, words, etc. We then reflect on that, and that reflection further informs our experience going forward. In the process of that feedback loop we are becoming more aware of ourselves; we are learning more about what our own needs are; we are learning why we feel about and respond to things the way we do. Sentient awareness, becoming more aware of its own actions within its environment becomes more aware of its own self, and thus consciousness develops.

The Beauty of Quantum Looping in Consciousness

As we become more self-aware, that expanding awareness informs us how we need to behave in the environment we find ourselves within in order to succeed in life on all levels. This will be true regardless of how we define success. This is very much in resonance with the feedback loop principle in the WSM whereby matter creates space via its wave structures, and the properties of the space it has created then informs matter how it must behave within that space. Can you see the stunning beauty of this quantum reciprocity? When it’s said the universe is infinite, this is one excellent way of explaining it. The symbol of the infinity eight loop represents this principle perfectly.

Cosmic Infinity Eight SymbolThis opens up some very cool possibilities for further mystical explorations. One that comes to mind, and which I find rather intriguing, is around space and consciousness. Yet space is not defined in the WSM theory in terms of what it is or where it comes from. It simply exists at the behest of matter. Yet, all that matter consists of is resonant wave structures that exist in a space they’ve created, and… these resonant wave structures extend infinitely into that space. Therefore space is infinite also. As one contemplates this more deeply it sounds exactly like what many ancient seers and gurus have described as consciousness. Herein arises the very real possibility that what is called consciousness actually arises from this principle of infinite reciprocal feedback on its most fundamental level. The same principles can take many different forms, and we know the same to be true of consciousness.

Leveraging this Awareness for Your Cosmic Consciousness Development

So how might you make use of what I have related herein to further your own cosmic consciousness development? You could engage these following simple exercises to start…

1. Contemplate how you, as a human being, are also a 3D scalar wave structure that’s comprised of many different space resonances all in interaction with each other, and which is pure vibration and energy, nothing else.

2. Consider how each time you become more self-aware, you also automatically become more aware of everything else in your life and the universe.

3. Explore how each time you become more aware of things in your life and the universe, the ‘matter form’ of your body gains enhanced functionality… it feels and works better. Note: if you have a lot of serious physical problems it may be hard to discern this shift, but it still exists.

4. Embrace how any time your body gains enhanced functionality, it enhances your consciousness in a host of different ways too.

I’ll leave you to work with that for now, and to discover some of the secrets and keys awaiting for you in engaging that type of conscious evolution. I’ll be exploring this and related areas a lot more going forward! It could be helpful to others if you share your experiences and insights with them in the comments below (no login or CAPTCHA puzzles required).


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Is Matter Really Condensed Light? ~ Swirling Vortex of Light Forms

Is Matter Really Crystallized Light?

By Cosmic Consciousness, Quantum Cosmos, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Popular Quantum Illusions

There is a very popular concept that has been circulating for some time that basically states; ‘Matter is light energy crystallized into a much slower vibration.’

Popular Quantum Illusions About Matter and LightI myself operated under that very same assumption for many years, despite having received cosmic insights from my higher dimensional friends informing me that this assumption was not quite the case from their perspective. The problem was, that despite a great deal of prodding over many years, my cosmic friends never did reveal more about what their perception of matter actually was. I always had the distinct feeling that this was because I was missing a key understanding which was needed to make sense of what they might reveal to me.

Over the years I have thus continued to read, study, research and mystically explore the nature of manifest reality and quantum physics and its relationship with both matter and consciousness itself. One clue I’d received years ago was that there really wasn’t any wave-particle duality, except as an illusion in our minds. This was at a time when this was first becoming quite a popular topic. It therefore challenged me then, and it has continued to do so until more recently.

Vortex Theory Revelations

Over the last several years I deeply explored some information that has helped me understand why there are no such things as discrete quantum point particles, and what the true underlying nature of reality actually is at the quantum level. My most recent journey along these lines began with my coming across the books by David Ash on his Vortex Theory. A lot of what he has to say in those books is very much in accord with other information I gleaned in exchanges with my cosmic friends. Simply put, David’s model of sub-atomic particles holds that they are sub-atomic sized energy vortexes that have spin, which in turn creates charge. Further, while these vortexes are extended infinitely into space, near their center the vortex energy is extremely dense and appears to us to be something solid like a grain of sand.

Vortex Theory RevelationsThis Vortex Theory model conceptually resolved an awful lot. It cleared up paradoxes like the wave-particle duality, inconvenient infinities occurring in the math of quantum physics according to the Copenhagen Doctrine, and the concept of ‘entanglement’ that was invented by quantum physicists with a whole new matrix of complex math to try and explain what Einstein disliked and referred to as “spooky action at a distance.” Vortex Theory also comes complete with a prediction that David Ash had made which was later declared to be true scientifically. This unofficially moved it from being a hypothesis into enjoying theory status. Vortex Theory predicted that there was an expanding universe before the concept was officially declared true by scientists.

One thing that I felt was a bit problematic about Vortex Theory, was the fact that it did not come complete with any math which could demonstrate its viability to the scientific community (bridge building is important). It was also heavily interspersed with spiritual, religious and metaphysical concepts and beliefs, thus further alienating it from the mainstream scientific community. It did, however, serve the purpose of advancing my understanding to the point where I was ready for the universe to bring in the next expansion of my awareness along this path of cosmic exploration.

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Scalar-Wave Space-Resonance Revelations

This next level of expansion came when I discovered the work of Milo Wolff, PhD and his ‘Wave Structure of Matter’ (WSM) and ‘Space Resonance’ (SR) theories. I’ve read, re-read and studied both of his books as well as some of his online materials. The first book, ‘Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe,’ was published originally in 1990 and is now out of print. There are still a few used copies floating around that remain available. It’s fairly heavy on math, which is pretty much all beyond me. However, the book is written whereby you don’t need to understand the math to comprehend what the author is imparting. The math is there for physicists to satisfy themselves that what he is saying can be backed up and proven in that way.

Scalar-Wave Space-Resonance RevelationsWolff’s second book is entitled ‘Schrödinger’s Universe and the Origin of the Natural Laws.‘ It is much more complete and coherent, and it has developed the authors original concepts a considerable degree further, as well as adding some additional ones. It has had some extremely beneficial input from Geof Haselhurst, a Philosopher of Science, Metaphysics and Theoretical Physics ( This second book was published in 2008, about 18 years after Wolff’s first book. This last book therefore also cites some more recent research that supports the author’s theory. Additional research was also undertaken by the author to discover where the same ideas he was working with had been presented historically by other scientists… including Einstein, Schrödinger, Clifford and quite a number of others.

Schrödinger’s Universe has also moved most of the math into chapters at the end which the average reader can skip if they wish. I found those chapters fascinating as well though. The text in those ‘math chapters’ provide a bit more depth on the topic matter and are really worth reading in my opinion. The math-heavy chapters were once again written such that someone like myself, who was not capable of calculating most of the complex math equations, would still be able to glean further understanding and learn from what was being said.

Milo Wolff’s ‘Wave Structure of Matter’ (WSM) theory thus comes complete with the math that resolves all the paradoxes and inherent problems physicists have been struggling with ever since the Copenhagen Doctrine stole the show from Einstein and Schrödinger. It’s a long story regarding how and why that happened. An abbreviated version is that at the time there was no scientific experimental data to backup what Einstein and Schrödinger felt were true. Today, there is experimental data which definitely supports the Wave Structure of Matter.

Einstein never believed in a ‘discrete point particle.’ He believed matter must be ‘extended into space.’ He surmised that matter derived its inherent properties (mass, charge, length) from movements or perturbations (waves) in space, versus there being ‘solid matter particles’ that possessed such properties. It was ideas of this nature from before Einstein’s time that gave rise to the concept of the aether or ether as a necessary wave propagation medium. In terms of Wolff’s WSM theory, the ether IS space. However, the WSM theory does not define space other than as being 3D in nature, it therefore remains as yet another frontier still to be explored.

Quantum is Scalar ~ Light is Electromagnetic

To truly understand the relationship between light and matter we need to dive a bit deeper into the Wave Structure of Matter’s (WSM) model of reality. It’s primarily rooted in the electron and proton as fundamental 3D scalar wave-center space-resonance structures, this is the true nature of ‘particles.’ One of the problems physicists run into with accepting matter as being strictly a wave reality, is that they have been attempting to apply Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave equations to the electron and proton to calculate their pure wave functions instead of using equations for 3D scalar standing waves.

This results in huge errors and many failures; problems which kept requiring the invention of ever more complex math such as ‘renormalization’ and ‘the collapse of the wave function’ to try and correct things so that their math would better match their observations and not violate the other natural laws. These problems occur mostly because electromagnetic waves are vector waves, they have directional movement… e.g. the radio waves emitted from a radio antenna radiate out away from it into space, and they therefore do not have any 3D math solutions as is required for a 3D ‘particle.’

Quantum is Scalar ~ Light is ElectromagneticWhat Wolff came up with after years of studying this problem was that quantum waves are NOT electromagnetic waves. They are instead a scalar standing-wave space-resonance structure that is formed by an ‘in-wave’ and an ‘out-wave’ occurring in the same space at the same time. Further, the in/out waves are 3D concentric spherical waves. Also, just as with David Ash’s Vortex Theory they also extend infinitely into space. Therefore, ALL electrons, protons and neutrons in the universe exist within the space-resonance fields of all other electrons, protons and neutrons. Energy and information therefore does not have to travel anywhere to have an effect on other matter that appears to be at a distance in our way of viewing the universe.

Matter as a scalar standing wave reality extended infinitely does not require any “spooky action at a distance” to have effects on other matter at distance. This is because all matter is within the wave-fields of all other matter and shares the same properties of space. The out-waves from all the matter wave-centers in the universe also then form the in-waves for all other wave-center ‘particles’ by conjoining in a ‘wave front.’ An interesting feedback loop that also exists in all of this, is that all matter creates the space it resides within, and is also informed as to how it should behave by the same space it has created! This infinite feedback loop has a lot of corollaries with consciousness itself that I’ll be exploring in future articles.

Another profound beauty of the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) as a basis for reality is that it truly demonstrates how everything is inherently a vibrational energy. With the standard model of discrete point particle physics, ‘particles’ are imagined to create and emit vibrations. In the WSM, wave-center ‘particles’ ARE vibration, and nothing else! Contemplate that for a moment, it’s a MONUMENTAL difference.

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What Is Crystallized Light?

Back now to my title question, “Is Matter Really Crystallized Light?.” This actually has more than one possible answer, depending on how we define “crystallized light.” If crystallized light is defined as light that has slowed it’s frequency down so much that it has taken on a solid form, e.g. as a collection of discrete point particles aggregated into a matter form, then the answer is definitely no; matter cannot possibly be crystallized or condensed light. The simple reason for this is that there are no ‘discrete point particles’ to begin with. There are only wave-centers or space-resonances of energy and vibration.

Furthermore, slowing down the vibration of light waves simply converts them into microwaves, radio waves and so forth. There has never been any evidence produced that would suggest lowering the frequency of light waves converts them into particles of matter. They are pure energy and as such the frequency of that energy simply changes. The lower the frequency, the less energy there is, so if light is lowering its frequency this would indicate that the electromagnetic light waves are exchanging their energy with something else to achieve a decrease in frequency.

Is Matter Really Condensed Light?If crystallized light is defined to mean light that has changed into another form of energy that is much denser in nature, then possibly this could head more convincingly in the suggested direction. Not surprisingly though, the wave-center space-resonance ‘particles’ of Milo Wolff’s WSM theory are definitely not forms of light. A photon is not a particle either, but rather a quanta or quantized measure of electromagnetic wave energy that has been released or absorbed by various quantum wave-centers or space-resonances interacting with each other. Further discrediting this possibility is the fact that the space resonance frequency of an electron is far higher than the frequencies of anything we would consider to be light, not to mention the very important difference whereby light is electromagnetic energy and the electron is pure scalar space-resonance energy.

Matter is made up of areas in space that contain a very dense pattern of waves and space-resonances all overlapping, intersecting and creating various forms of resonance patterns together. Therefore, I really do not see any reasonable justification for matter to be considered to be crystallized light here either. Another simple reason for this is that photons of light are forms of the secondary electromagnetic energy released/absorbed during interactions between scalar quantum wave-centers, thus they cannot also be the ’cause/source’ of the matter formed by the wave-centers.

Matter being crystallized light is an enticing and seductive notion which explains why so many people, including myself in times gone by, have adopted it as their ‘truth’ about matter. Such a model as the WSM offers an easy way of understanding how matter is pure energy and vibration, and how everything is interconnected and interrelated without the need to erroneously involve light. As Cosmic Beings we do best when we are compelled to pursue the most expanded way of viewing and understanding reality to advance our consciousness evolution.

A Physics of Unity

The Wave Structure of Matter eliminates all the duality and hard to understand hocus pocus that quantum physics has become riddled with. It is always the simplest understanding that covers the largest territory and number of problems, and which in the end turns out to be the ultimate truth. The Wave Structure of Matter theory is, in fact, representative of a true Physics of Unity.

It is also interesting that the WSM defines a binary universe (in/out waves) and then goes on to produce what can rightly be called a Physics of Unity… definitely a mystery I’ll be exploring further. This opens the door wide for a truly scientific understanding of the role of consciousness itself in the cosmology and interconnectedness of the universe. It would also seem to me that space and consciousness are intimately inter-related, if not inherently the same thing.

To me that is an extremely exciting proposition that we’ll be exploring in the future!

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