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Pure Love

What-Is-Your-Truth? Pure Love or Turbulent Emotion?

What is Your Truth?

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra 3 Comments

In Search of the TruthThere is a lot of talk about truth these days. There are so many ways this word is applied that it can breed some confusion. In the universe that I choose to experience there is only one TRUTH, and that is love. All other truths are a matter of one’s observations and experiences of temporal details… things that are not infinite and eternal in nature.

So to say that the shirt you are wearing today is red in color may be true alright, but it is not what I am referring to as TRUTH. The type of TRUTH I am speaking of is Read More

What is Divine Grace? The Law of Grace

What is Divine Grace?

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Quantum Ascension, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

What is Divine Grace?Divine Grace is often thought of as being something that another person or God/Spirit/Source does for us without us having done anything to earn it.

There is a modicum of truth in this perspective, but it could do with a bit of enhancement to help complete our conceptual understanding.

First, it’s very helpful to be aware that Divine Grace is an effect of a natural energy with unlimited potential. This energy exists everywhere and in everything. This energy is Read More

Love as a State of Being

Love as a State of Being

By Cosmic Consciousness, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Love is a word in the English language which is used in many vastly different ways. Just how it’s used depends upon the overall context and level of awareness present. Whenever I or illumined beings in higher dimensions speak of love, we are referring to a pure state of being.

From this state of being we can then give birth to thoughts, feelings, actions, words and deeds that are in resonance with it. The state of being I am calling love is actually beyond the realms of manifestation, yet it can be experienced by manifest forms in the Creation. That alone is an amazing thing in and of itself!

In this pure state of being love is Read More

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