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You're Beyond AwesomeDo you know what courage and love it took for you to enter this world as Spirit taking form?

Have you ever contemplated the immensity of the impact you have on all of Creation each time you express your True-Self of love in some way?

Do you really truly realize just how much power you have available to you?

Have you ever considered that all the limitations of your life are but the clay you chose to create some exquisitely beautiful pottery out of?

Do you know just how beautiful you are… JUST as you are?

Are you aware that any changes you make in yourself are nothing but a few extra frosting sprinkles on an already amazingly wonderful and delicious cake?

If you wish to know what Infinite Power and Unlimited Pure Love and Beauty look like, go have a look in the mirror!

You are totally beyond awesome my dear soul friend, and please don’t forget it!

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Author Simeon

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  • Dorothy Tara'Ra says:

    Yes , yes ,yes to all of the above it took me many many years of study and searching to understand all of this and continues today. Thankyou Brother of Light for holding a mirror to my face and reminding me of of our uniqueness as Blessed Beings and why we are on the Earth at this Magical time.

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  • Lyndy Starflower says:

    Goodness, godness, what an infinitely significant point to share. “Each is a being beyond comparison,” was one of the early messages I heard in higher mind. It revolutionized all my thoughts, for they were all reflecting the love I could imagine, and not the comparisons I was considering.
    Simeon, your work is beyond comparison in the doors it opens and the windows we can open in resonant response.

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