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Celestial Energetics

Neutrinos and Souls Part II

Neutrinos and Souls Part II

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Quantum Ascension, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

In the first part of Neutrinos and Souls, I wrote:

In my next installment I will expand on this theme and relate how the period we are now entering into on Earth is going to bring a whole lot more neutrinos and other celestial and cosmic ray type particles through our body and being. These particles contain various forms of information. We must be able to process these energies and information properly for it to have a positive versus a negative effect on our body, consciousness and light field.

First I need to make a minor correction, which is that the number of neutrinos will not increase much if any. However, their energetic nature and thus the information they hold will change. This effect is similar to having more neutrinos, but with a few twists. The other charged particles will indeed be increasing in number.

What's truly important to understand is that Read More

Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment

Neutrinos and Souls Part I

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Quantum Ascension, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Before reading on, you may wish to read "MIT scientists find weird quantum effects... Neutrinos... have no individual identities..." which I will be referring to and commenting on herein. Or, just read on and visit the MIT article later to expand your understanding if necessary, it can work either way!

I was VERY excited when I read the MIT article because it was right in accord with some things Master Menon had related to me many years ago. This was that there are Read More

Fractal Geometry Transformations & the Inner Light Network (ILN)

Fractal Geometry Transformations & The Inner Light Network

By Announcements, Food for thought, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Old Fractal Geometries Imploding

The old fractal geometries are becoming increasingly self-destructive. This is due to rapidly increasing "noise" in the old fractal system which continues to distort it's own fractal geometry with every additional recursive unfoldment of the fractal. That's why stuff is getting so incredibly weird! Old power structures are Read More
Eclipse Shadows - Spiritual Transcendence

Eclipse Shadows

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

A lot has been said and will continue to be said about the energetics of eclipses, and rightfully so. We have been in a very intense eclipse window for awhile as of this writing. We also have a new moon solar eclipse coming. So this seems an apropo time to talk about eclipses in general! This information is thus rather timeless, and is not focused on the current eclipse that inspired it.

Each eclipse has its own unique astrological  energy signature. However, I always tend to look for commonalities, essence and what themes or patterns may exist in things over time. We really do not have to look much further than Read More

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