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Re-programming Epigentics

Core State Consciousness Entrainment Introduction

Core State Entrainment Intro

By Cosmic Consciousness, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra 4 Comments

Core State Entrainment Technique (CSET) TM State-based Life Enrichment


The "Best You" is a simple idea. It's about YOU experiencing the best you have inside of yourself in a sustainable way. When you can experience the Best You your life is enriched. Your relationships with others flourish. Your abilities to engage the demands of your life expand and everything just flows. Your levels of creativity, intuition and inspiration soar too.

Maybe you don't even know that Read More

Eclipse Shadows - Spiritual Transcendence

Eclipse Shadows

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

A lot has been said and will continue to be said about the energetics of eclipses, and rightfully so. We have been in a very intense eclipse window for awhile as of this writing. We also have a new moon solar eclipse coming. So this seems an apropo time to talk about eclipses in general! This information is thus rather timeless, and is not focused on the current eclipse that inspired it.

Each eclipse has its own unique astrological  energy signature. However, I always tend to look for commonalities, essence and what themes or patterns may exist in things over time. We really do not have to look much further than Read More

Our Energy Gift to All Beings

Your Energy Gift – Each and Every Moment

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

This blog is a bit of a reality check. Each and every moment of our lives we are in a particular energy state within ourselves. It is this energy state which is our primary energy gift to our Mother Earth and the collective of consciousness we are a part of here.

It is very easy to get focused on what we are doing, the end objective of our external efforts in the world, as being our gift(s) to the world. Indeed these areas of endeavor can be gifts to our world too. Yet, if we are in a chaotic and/or negative inner state while doing them then we are in truth working against ourselves, our world and our Mother Earth.

People ask me all the time, “what can I do to Read More

Spiritual GIGO - Transform it and Your Life!

Spiritual GIGO – Transform It & Your Life!

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

In the computer world “GIGO” is an acronym for “garbage in – garbage out” which goes way back to the early days of computing. It means if you input bad data, you cannot expect the computer to give you good data in return. It only processes what it is given.

More recently there has been an expansion on its meaning to “garbage in – gospel out.” This new rendition applies to the growing tendency for people to trust blindly in whatever comes out of computers as if it were the gospel truth all the time. This tendency ignores the original GIGO principle.

Both of these principles apply to Read More

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