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What is Cosmic Love? Symbol for the Temple of Hu'Orin, All-Embracing Love

What is Cosmic Love?

By Cosmic Consciousness, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra, Videos 2 Comments

All Embracing Cosmic Love

The term ‘Cosmic Love‘ is rather synonymous with ‘Universal Love‘ or ‘Divine Love,’ and often times it is indeed used that way. I’m therefore aiming to offer some deeper insights regarding all of these terms rather than make any distinctions between them. Cosmic Love just happens to be my fav!

What is Cosmic Love? Symbol for the Temple of Hu'Orin, All-Embracing LoveIf you’ve been following my work for awhile you may recognize the symbol I used in the image on the header of this article also shown to the right (click/tap to zoom). That’s the symbol for the Temple of Hu’Orin from the New Earth Temples of Pure Consciousness transmissions that I brought through and worked with for a few years circa 2011 – 2014.

The Temple of Hu’Orin is about all-embracing love. Cosmic Love is complete all-embracing love. The Temple of Hu’Orin represented the Cosmic Heart in that previous work we did here at Cosmic Consciousness Online.

Complete all-embracing love‘ is as simple as it gets as a definition for Cosmic Love. What’s not quite so simple is progressing into an ever deepening understanding about what this means in terms of human consciousness and life experiences.

I’ll start with the concept and dynamic of ‘complete love.’ There’s numerous ways we can relate to this expansive concept. Some of the more fundamental ones are that it ALWAYS includes the self and the other EQUALLY. Also, complete love doesn’t seek anything, other than to be shared freely with all of life and reality, and on all levels of beingness and existence.


» Cosmic Love Always Exists Everywhere «

Cosmic Love exists ubiquitously, it just IS. If you’re not experiencing this sublime state as often as you wish, then that’s due to your own limitations, because there is no absence of Cosmic Love. It permeates your being, the environment you’re in, and the entire cosmos at all times. It’s just waiting to be experienced and shared more completely in each and every moment of existence.

This may seem rather obvious to many of you who resonantly found your way here to read this, and it indeed is. What isn’t so obvious is how our thoughts, feelings and actions are often not in accord with that obviousness. Your subconscious has a reality system of it’s own. It runs this reality on the virtual reality screen of your conscious self. While consciously thinking and feeling one thing, quite frequently on the subconscious level you’re thinking and feeling something quite different unbeknownst to you. This is the energetic dynamic that underlies all inner and outer conflicts that we experience. Our outer conflicts are largely just projections of our inner conflicts after all.

Magician Sorceress in the Woods Enchanting a BeastRegardless of what you find yourself experiencing inside of yourself and in your life, if you’re aware enough to remember this first Key, it’s awareness energy can then empower you to connect more deeply with your inner power so you can more easily transform your experience into one that’s more fully resonant with Cosmic Love.

Right now you might be wondering… why, is this like magic or something? Not exactly, remember that YOU are the magic! As a cosmic magician you can choose to remember and acknowledge that Cosmic Love always exists everywhere at anytime. THAT is what your focus of attention will then entrained upon and feeding energy to. Where your attention goes energy flows, it’s really that simple. When you can successfully do this you’re aligning yourself with the universal vibratory functions of energy and consciousness… the rest takes care of itself.

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» You’re a Vehicle for a Full Cosmic Love Embrace «

Beautiful Dancers in a Cosmic EmbraceThe next aspect of Cosmic Love in my simple explanation given above is that it’s ‘all-embracing love.’ Take a moment to reflect on what those two simple words REALLY mean on a cosmic consciousness level of beingness. On a down to Earth human level it means you try your best to extend some modicum of love to everyone, no matter how different they are from you in appearances, ideology, politics, religion, lifestyle etc. This is indeed important, and it paves the way to entering more deeply into the Temple of Hu’Orin, all-embracing cosmic love.

In that example of all-embracing love, we’re putting in an effort to lovingly embrace many of the superficialities of being a human on Earth. These things do indeed need to be embraced. I deeply admire people who make this effort, we need many more of them on our lovely planet. I’m still working on some dynamics at this level myself.

Yet, that level of ‘all-embracing’ isn’t your end goal. This dynamic will in time take you much deeper into far more expansive realms to practice this skill and develop the consciousness that it truly represents. In fact, there is no ‘end goal’ because this really is an infinite process, so just surrender into it. Once you achieve one ‘level,’ another will await you. Some people find this depressing. For me, it’s invigorating because it means the cosmos is infinitely wide open to progressive expansions of all-embracing love… WOW, I find that inspiring to say the least!

Buddha Statue with Earth, Galaxy, Stars and Sacred Geometry SymbolHowever, just beyond that basic superficial surface level stuff that I mentioned above, we can expand even further into embracing all beings, on all levels, in all worlds. However, until you start to experience such beings on the subtle plane level of existence within your own being you’ll have to rely on mental concepts as to what embracing these beings might entail. As you develop the ability to experience such beings directly you will begin to understand that the differences we have here between us humans on Earth are fairly minor relative to the differences we have with beings from other worlds.

I’m not speaking here of hostile beings from other worlds either; and while they sort of exist they really aren’t a concern. Rather, I’m speaking of co-existing with an all-embracing Cosmic Love with benevolent beings that have no concept of what life is like for people on Earthnor do we understand what life is like for them. For example, there are worlds of beings that do not have families. They’re birthed through the crossing of cosmic soul rays by other beings that serve that purpose in the overall collective that they are a part of. They’re then incubated and raised by their collective, with many souls sharing those responsibilities. There’s no such thing in these races of beings as a ‘tribe’ either, which is just an expansion upon the family unit. In a race of beings like this there is only collective form and function for the best and highest good of all concerned. That is the one and only motivation they have, and it’s highly exhilarating and a very creative endeavor to them.

Map of Europe with Territorial Boundaries or Divisions Like Tribes HavePeople on Earth who are open to concepts such as ‘for the best and highest good of all concerned’ rarely realize how limited they are in their understanding of that awesome concept. We tend to be limited by the hierarchical nature of our collective sub-units like families and tribes. In today’s world tribes may take the form of the people from a village, county, state, province, country, political party, religion, sports team fans, etc. Take a moment to try to imagine what it would be like to interact with a society of beings that has absolutely no context for anything like that.

Now consider what it would be like to extend some ‘all-embracing Cosmic Love’ to them, even though you have very little experiential understanding of their type of reality whatsoever. Moving up to that ‘level‘ is only one step up too… there’re an infinite number of steps beyond that on the stairway to complete all-embracing Cosmic Love. However, we simply need to take the next step before us and then the next subsequent step will appear, and so on!

Aiming for the Entire Universe with Cosmic Love ArrowsThis then is the second Key… always remember that YOU are a vehicle for the KISS OF A FULL COSMIC EMBRACE that is so expansive it actually transcends any ‘two-way’ directionality (love from me to another, and back from them to me). Indeed, it can engulf the entire cosmos and YOU can experience it like that if your resonance ‘aim’ is good. There’s no ‘doing’ here… there’s only ‘PURE BEING.’ Any ‘doing‘ effectively collapses that space whereby it has a more limited two-way type of directionality and flow. That flow still has great value, but it’s not the ultimate experience our souls are here to adsorb.

Where your attention goes, energy flowsput your attention intently upon these lofty states of being and you’ll start to experience them far more often! It really is that simple. Don’t let your mind fool you into believing otherwise. The ego-mind loves to make things more complicated than they really are because it likes to master that complex stuff and look good doing so!

A Crystalline Cosmic Love Transmission

I now wish to share with you a truly magnificent being that I recently discovered rather serendipitously. She’s a singer, song writer, pianist and harpist from Bergen, Norway. Her name is Aurora Aksnes. She has a very pure crystalline transmission that comes through so very strongly with nearly every song I’ve experienced her singing ( a great many). Her November 2017 performance in the video below has an orchestral accompaniment and takes place in the Nidarosdomen (Cathedral) in Norway. It’s like WOW!

This was the first concert I ever saw of hers. It’s a stunningly powerful crystalline energy transmission which very much helped me to shift into the next higher level of Cosmic Love, and I believe it can do the same for you, whatever that may mean for you. I felt guided to share Aurora at this time as she sings with such deep Cosmic Heart and Love in this incredible performance. I believe it has great potential to help you further your journey with Cosmic Love, should you feel as inspired to engage her work as me and Karen have.

The video starts with Aurora speaking in her native Norwegian language for a few minutes, but she sings her songs in English. Please share your experiences of Aurora with us in the comments below.

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Cosmic Reality Weaving – Cosmic Energy, Quantum Money & Abundance

By Cosmic Reality Weaving, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Cosmic Energy is the seemingly infinite supply of energy flowing within the universe. It’s akin to the universe’s life blood. The cosmic filaments of dust connecting galaxies and other celestial bodies as seen with our most advanced modern telescopes are it’s arteries and veins. Everything in the universe owes it’s existence to this perpetual flow of cosmic energy. Every thought you have, every emotion you feel, every action you take, are all animated and made possible by this flow of cosmic energy. The movements of the planets, stars and galaxies are all an integral part of this all-encompassing universal web of cosmic energy flow. Read More

Neutrinos and Souls Part II

Neutrinos and Souls Part II

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Quantum Ascension, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

In the first part of Neutrinos and Souls, I wrote:

In my next installment I will expand on this theme and relate how the period we are now entering into on Earth is going to bring a whole lot more neutrinos and other celestial and cosmic ray type particles through our body and being. These particles contain various forms of information. We must be able to process these energies and information properly for it to have a positive versus a negative effect on our body, consciousness and light field.

First I need to make a minor correction, which is that the number of neutrinos will not increase much if any. However, their energetic nature and thus the information they hold will change. This effect is similar to having more neutrinos, but with a few twists. The other charged particles will indeed be increasing in number.

What's truly important to understand is that Read More

Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment

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Fractal Geometry Transformations & The Inner Light Network

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Limited and Unlimited Laws, They ALL Matter!

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