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Food for thought

Shifting Into Joy, You Can Do It At Will

Shifting into Joy

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Shifting into JoyEveryone who has been into metaphysics and spiritual development for awhile knows joy is considered to be one of the higher frequency states of being. It is true too! Being able to make the shift into joy when that is not what you are experiencing is what everyone would like to be able to do consistently.

Even better would be to just be in a state of joy all the time and not have to be concerned with how to shift into it! Being able to make the shift though is the first step. Once we become reasonably successful at making the shift into joy we begin to enter into the state of joy more naturally and continually.

The question is, Read More

The Transforming Power of Love Changes Everything

Transforming Power of Love

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra One Comment

The transforming power of love is a topic which has been spoken to in so many ways for a very long time! However, despite all that has been said if we take but one brief look around it becomes clear that what has been said is not being brought into fruition very well.

When I witness such things I naturally explore that energy more deeply to understand what is really going on there. This particular exploration of mine has been Read More

Steady State Energy, Stabilizing Rapid Consciousness Changes

Steady State Energy

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra One Comment

I’m sure you have heard the term “shift happens”? Shift is change, and change is continual. As I like to say, “the only thing we can know for certain is that nothing is for certain”!!!

However, this is all relative to the temporal realms, that which comes into manifestation and goes through a evolutionary process until its energy has left the temporal realms.

We are so focused on the process of evolution (rightfully so) that many times we are not even aware that evolution Read More

Limited and Unlimited Laws, They ALL Matter!

Limited & Unlimited Laws

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

The universe is comprised of various “domains” of energy. An apt analogy is the internet. Each website has its own “domain” of energy. All the websites on the internet together make up the internet.

Yet, there are other domains of energy larger than all the websites which are part of the internet too. All the technical infrastructure, cables, satellite transmission systems, servers etc are a domain of Read More

Modes of Duality, Step Free into the Light of Your Soul!

Modes of Duality

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Duality is rooted in the dynamic principle whereby there are two polarities of energy expression. Two polarities of energy expression are what the entire manifest universe is based upon! We really cannot get rid of that!

What we refer to as duality—and which we can do something about—is actually a state of imbalance and/or dissonance between the two polarities of energy expression that are involved. Transcending dualistic experience involves Read More

What-Is-Mastery? - Self Mastery & Life Mastery

What is Mastery?

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

This is a potentially enormous topic if you take into consideration all the things there are to be mastered in life!

To narrow it down just a bit, I am speaking specifically about mastery over one’s experience of life on this planet.

If you can learn to master that, then everything else sort of falls into place and this world no longer has anything “over” you!

This is reducing it down to its point of greatest simplicity… I just LOVE simplicity! If we have only one thing to focus on and master then life is a whole lot easier!

Think about it, at the root of Read More

What-Is-Your-Truth? Pure Love or Turbulent Emotion?

What is Your Truth?

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra 3 Comments

In Search of the TruthThere is a lot of talk about truth these days. There are so many ways this word is applied that it can breed some confusion. In the universe that I choose to experience there is only one TRUTH, and that is love. All other truths are a matter of one’s observations and experiences of temporal details… things that are not infinite and eternal in nature.

So to say that the shirt you are wearing today is red in color may be true alright, but it is not what I am referring to as TRUTH. The type of TRUTH I am speaking of is Read More

What is Divine Grace? The Law of Grace

What is Divine Grace?

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Quantum Ascension, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

What is Divine Grace?Divine Grace is often thought of as being something that another person or God/Spirit/Source does for us without us having done anything to earn it.

There is a modicum of truth in this perspective, but it could do with a bit of enhancement to help complete our conceptual understanding.

First, it’s very helpful to be aware that Divine Grace is an effect of a natural energy with unlimited potential. This energy exists everywhere and in everything. This energy is Read More

Fight-or-Light? - Living Your Soul

Fight or Light? – Living Your Soul

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

Our cultures and societies on Earth place enormous value on being tough, pushing through, being able to endure anything that life dishes out and fighting what we call adversity and darkness.

Those who do best at these things are held in high esteem.  Indeed, these are all qualities that we owe the survival of the human race to up to this point in our evolutionary journey.

However, we are at point now in our journey where these types of human dynamics need to significantly change. Our entire collective assemblage point is shifting, and these age-old highly valued characteristics and ways of approaching things are now holding us back from truly taking the deep nourishing drink from the Holy Grail that we have earned and deserve.

If I was to briefly summarize what this shift is about in its core essence, I would say that it is Read More