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Life Mastery

Spiritual Surrender

Spiritual Surrender

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Anyone who has been on a conscious spiritual path of personal growth and evolution for even a short time knows about the whole concept of surrender. Surrender is in a sense a release of something we are clinging to, usually some resistance around something. It brings change as we move into deeper acceptance.

There is an old metaphysical axiom that states, “whatever we resist will persist.” This addresses the need for surrender.  The reason that whatever we resist will persist is quite simple. This occurs because when we resist something we are Read More

Eclipse Shadows - Spiritual Transcendence

Eclipse Shadows

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

A lot has been said and will continue to be said about the energetics of eclipses, and rightfully so. We have been in a very intense eclipse window for awhile as of this writing. We also have a new moon solar eclipse coming. So this seems an apropo time to talk about eclipses in general! This information is thus rather timeless, and is not focused on the current eclipse that inspired it.

Each eclipse has its own unique astrological  energy signature. However, I always tend to look for commonalities, essence and what themes or patterns may exist in things over time. We really do not have to look much further than Read More

Our Energy Gift to All Beings

Your Energy Gift – Each and Every Moment

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

This blog is a bit of a reality check. Each and every moment of our lives we are in a particular energy state within ourselves. It is this energy state which is our primary energy gift to our Mother Earth and the collective of consciousness we are a part of here.

It is very easy to get focused on what we are doing, the end objective of our external efforts in the world, as being our gift(s) to the world. Indeed these areas of endeavor can be gifts to our world too. Yet, if we are in a chaotic and/or negative inner state while doing them then we are in truth working against ourselves, our world and our Mother Earth.

People ask me all the time, “what can I do to Read More

Spiritual GIGO - Transform it and Your Life!

Spiritual GIGO – Transform It & Your Life!

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

In the computer world “GIGO” is an acronym for “garbage in – garbage out” which goes way back to the early days of computing. It means if you input bad data, you cannot expect the computer to give you good data in return. It only processes what it is given.

More recently there has been an expansion on its meaning to “garbage in – gospel out.” This new rendition applies to the growing tendency for people to trust blindly in whatever comes out of computers as if it were the gospel truth all the time. This tendency ignores the original GIGO principle.

Both of these principles apply to Read More

Finding Perfection in Imperfection

Perfection in Imperfection

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

The idea of perfection in our world is usually focused on perfecting material form. The idea of perfection for spiritual Mastery sort of has its own version of this focus as well.

Perfection of self being the focus of spiritual Mastery, and herein a lot of attention gets paid to the form of our expression. This is useful and has purpose and can help us quite a bit actually. To learn to be in control of your emotions so you do not blurt or dump them on others in the very least improves our social life. We are social beings and our survival depends on successful social engagement.

However, at some point we must come to understand that Read More

Own Your Feelings, Transform Your Life & Relationships

Own the Feeling First, Transform Your Life & Relationships

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra 2 Comments

Someone says or does something that triggers a difficult feeling for you. You naturally want to then have a conversation with that person and reconcile the matter so you no longer have to experience that difficult feeling.

Communication and working on our relationships is a very good thing to be doing for sure. Yet, there is a very important step we must take BEFORE we approach the other person who triggered our difficult feeling so we can have a conversation with them.

This very important step is that we must Read More

Shifting Into Joy, You Can Do It At Will

Shifting into Joy

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Shifting into JoyEveryone who has been into metaphysics and spiritual development for awhile knows joy is considered to be one of the higher frequency states of being. It is true too! Being able to make the shift into joy when that is not what you are experiencing is what everyone would like to be able to do consistently.

Even better would be to just be in a state of joy all the time and not have to be concerned with how to shift into it! Being able to make the shift though is the first step. Once we become reasonably successful at making the shift into joy we begin to enter into the state of joy more naturally and continually.

The question is, Read More

The Transforming Power of Love Changes Everything

Transforming Power of Love

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra One Comment

The transforming power of love is a topic which has been spoken to in so many ways for a very long time! However, despite all that has been said if we take but one brief look around it becomes clear that what has been said is not being brought into fruition very well.

When I witness such things I naturally explore that energy more deeply to understand what is really going on there. This particular exploration of mine has been Read More

Steady State Energy, Stabilizing Rapid Consciousness Changes

Steady State Energy

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra One Comment

I’m sure you have heard the term “shift happens”? Shift is change, and change is continual. As I like to say, “the only thing we can know for certain is that nothing is for certain”!!!

However, this is all relative to the temporal realms, that which comes into manifestation and goes through a evolutionary process until its energy has left the temporal realms.

We are so focused on the process of evolution (rightfully so) that many times we are not even aware that evolution Read More

Modes of Duality, Step Free into the Light of Your Soul!

Modes of Duality

By Cosmic Consciousness, Food for thought, Keys & Tips, Simeon Chi'Ra No Comments

Duality is rooted in the dynamic principle whereby there are two polarities of energy expression. Two polarities of energy expression are what the entire manifest universe is based upon! We really cannot get rid of that!

What we refer to as duality—and which we can do something about—is actually a state of imbalance and/or dissonance between the two polarities of energy expression that are involved. Transcending dualistic experience involves Read More

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