You may wish read/re-read Part I first… it appears below the video.
In Part I of this information I decribed a mechanism for how the universe was not infinite space, but rather an infinitely evolving manifestation traversing through a curvature in space that repeatedly circles back through it’s perpetually evolving fractality. I also related how awareness was integral with that exact same mechanism because if the manifestations in the universe are infinitely evolving and changing, then awareness will of course continue to expand in order to encompass them. However, awareness is infinitely expanding of it’s own accord in other ways as well. It’s these other dynamics that we’ll be exploring more deeply here in Part 2 of this cosmic treatise.
Cosmic & Mundane Awareness
I’ll also be primarily speaking here of what I refer to as cosmic or universal awareness rather than mundane awareness. An example of the latter would be that it’s a type of awareness which you expand when you do something like visit a new place; thereafter you have an awareness from your direct experience of that place which you did not have previously. Cosmic or universal awareness encompasses mundane awareness and a whole lot more.
The ‘whole lot more’ includes awareness of things like the nature of reality, universal principles regards energy laws or interactions, and so forth. It also encompasses awareness of the intricate web of inter-connectedness and of all the experiences that have taken place in the multi-dimensional universal web of life, past and present… as well as all the probablities and potentialities of the ‘future’ which are awaiting to be experienced by ‘experiencers.’
Once you dive into this cosmic rabbit hole deeply enough, the reference points of past, present and future sort of dissolve and vanish. However, my use of them as an entry point will also provide you with an opportunity to see if you can experience that vanishing point! Ready?
Liberated Pearls
These reference points we call past, present and future are of course related to our concepts of time. Time is normally related to as a progression or sequential flow of energy events, one after the other… each energy event setting the stage for the next. Of course there will be many energy events happening simultaneously in our collective world reality. However, for each individual being in the collective, there will be this sense of progression or sequential flow of past, to present and into future… the latter of which then soon enough becomes the past. We then also collectively experience the linear unfoldment of time reality as well.
I must also say that this linear time reality is indeed a very real experience and should not be discarded as being ‘too limited.’ What’s limited about it is that it doesn’t encompass the entire spectrum of relationships which exist between these energy-events that appear to be sequentially unfolding in a linear fashion like pearls on a string. It simply isn’t the whole picture. Not having the whole picture doesn’t mean the piece of it that you do have is not a valid experience though. Rather, it’s a somewhat illusory experience because it’s been mistaken as representing the whole picture, when in truth it’s but a small slice of the whole cosmic pie.
What if your energy-event pearls were released from their string and then they re-arranged themselves and consolidated into a tight cluster whereby they were each touching many other pearls? One thing that would be different is that in order to connect with the pearl that was at the far end of the string you would no longer have to move progressively from one pearl to the next, one at a time. You could connect more directly to the end pearl. Furthermore, all the other pearls would be free to do the same with each other.
Now imagine that each of these ‘connections’ between your various energy-event pearls is equivalent to a perception. In our cluster of pearls we now have a vast number of perceptions being represented which together begin to form a holographic image that contains a vast array of information with differing perspectives embedded in it.
Perceptions are components of an awareness, but the awareness itself is greater than the sum of all of them. Awareness is both a creator and an observer/perceiver of reality. There must be an awareness of a thing/energy before it can manifest. Once it’s manifested it then falls under observation, which then generates perceptions, which then can re-manifest that thing/energy in a modified form. Are you beginning to see the infinity in this perpetually expanding dynamic yet?
Developing Holographic Perception
How many different ways can we observe and perceive the same energies? Is this holographic perceptual dynamic bounded and limited, or not? How often have you consciously attempted to observe and thus perceive the same exact person, event, place or thing in a myriad of different ways?
This is a very helpful practice for developing cosmic consciousness. There was a period in my life that lasted a good many years quite some time ago wherein I engaged this practice ad infinitum with nearly everything I encountered. I know that sounds rather tedious, but it was in fact quite enlightening and fun! It eventually entrained me to more autonomously seek many different perspectives on everything I observe, instead of being narrowly confined to just one or two. This felt very liberating and it still does.
So how would you go about doing this? There are many ways, but what I used to do that was quite effective was to imagine myself in a great coliseum of the type the Romans and Greeks used. This type of coliseum is where the seating rose up around the show arena in concentric rings, and perched on top and behind the uppermost row of seating were the vertical fluted columns that were used so fluently in those times.
I would imagine a huge crystal sitting in the center of the arena. I’d imagine it so large that it rose up as high as the highest ring of seating. I would then place what I wished to explore into that crystal. Then I imagined I was slowly walking around that coliseum, moving higher and lower in the seating arrangement as I did. I would be viewing the crystal and all it’s myriads of facets as I slowly moved around it. My imagined crystals always had myriads of facets on them. As I gazed at the crysal while slowly moving around it, I would see various different ways of perceiving whatever I was exploring to expand my perceptions of it. It was always quite powerful and revealing. You may wish to give this a cosmic whirl!
This expansion of perceptions also can and does happen naturally, although very few people realize it’s occurring so that they can consciously participate with it. In fact, it’s rather common for people to actually resist or even fight this process in order to hang onto some of the favorite perception(s) that underpin their stories. The full gamut of reasons why people do this is much more complex, but if you’re reading this I’m sure you’ll be aware of at least some of it!
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Infinity, Inter-connectedness & Universal Love
What we’ve been exploring here is but one way in which awareness is continually expanding. There’s more though… consider how all beings and aspects of the manifest universe in all dimensions and levels of reality are inter-connected. When any being, anywhere in the universe, goes through an expansion of awareness whereby they encompass more perceptions of self, of other beings, of things and of realities; that new awareness is also then connected to all other beings in the universe too.
It’s not that the facts and details of the beings, things and realities that some other being gained new perceptions about are going to somehow be available to all beings in the universe. Rather, it’s the ESSENCE of the new perceptions, and the awareness that expanded to encompass them which becomes available to all other beings.
In that essence is a new awareness with holographic perceptual information that can be applied within any reality system and situation. If you’ve ever had an ‘aha’ come to you out of the blue, you know what I’m speaking of here. Suddenly you can see something differently. The ‘something’ hasn’t necessarily changed one bit, yet your way of perceiving it and relating to it suddenly shifted. When this occurs you will often feel quite differently inside of yourself about whatever it was.
In these types of aha moments, have you ever entertained the thought that maybe you’d made a connection to some other being in some other place and/or dimension in the universe? I’ve discovered over the years in working with numerous clients that this is much more common that I would have otherwise thought.
Why would people have such a far-out thought about the origin of their own aha? Have you ever pondered that? I have, and the answer that I’ve received back repeatedly is that it’s simply what the truth of the matter is!
To take this exploration another step further… my sources on the cosmic plane have also related to me that at some point in the journey of a soul in the universe, the soul will be fully absorbed back into the Absolute and no longer exist as a unique expression/pattern of energy in the manifest universe. However, that soul can still have what we humans here on Earth like to call an ‘eternal life.’ This is still possible after re-absorption because every time a soul expresses a pure enough form of love whereby it resonates with universal love, the exquisite beauty of that expression of love and it’s unique colors, textures and radiance gets ‘recorded’ within the Universal Heart Crystal… or if you prefer, the Heart of God.
All beings in the universe are of course also inter-connected to the Universal Heart Crystal. They can therefore immediately receive and express that exquisite ‘upgrade’ in the beauty of love within their own love expressions. In this way, all of your souls expressions of universally aware love will live on forever through all other beings in the universe.
As beings express the unique patterns of love recorded in the Universal Heart Crystal by other beings, even more beautiful and exquisite new forms of love-expression emerge. Love is complete unto itself and always has been. However, it’s beauty can be expanded infinitely, and that beauty is observed and encompassed by an infinite pure awareness that’s perpetually expanding to accommodate that enhanced beauty of love.
Exploring Some Voids
I mentioned the dynamic of souls being absorbed back into the Absolute at some point in their journey through the universe a few paragraphs back. The way I related this is still using the linear time reference points of present and future, did you catch that? Good, I thought you’d be able to! Now, let’s see if we can expand beyond such reference points regards this dynamic now.
Can you entertain that you’ve been already absorbed back into the Absolute, and at the same time, you’re still in manifestation as a soul energy expression within the manifest universe, and simultaneously your soul hasn’t even been birthed into existence yet?
Take a moment to dive deeply into that no-place of no-thing and all-thing…
Does that place feel vaguely familiar? It’s somewhat similar in feel to the void achieved in meditation. What’s referred to as the meditative void is a mental state of unclutteredness that occurs when the mind is freed from distracting thoughts etc. Yet… this place that you’re exploring here now is much more than that, or it can be. The meditation void state can be helpful in experiencing it as well. However, the meditative void can also be clearly differentiated from the Cosmic Void you were just initiated into. The difference is tangible, and it’s also very hard to describe, so I’ll do my best here.
In the meditation type of void state you feel unstressed, at peace, vibrant, alive and aware. Your awareness is by nature aware of your own linear thoughts, watching them float by without engaging them, and this is very liberating and beneficial indeed. This state can also lead to other more expansive states such as I’m about to describe.
In the Cosmic Void state, you also feel unstressed, at peace, vibrant, alive and aware. However, you have moved completely beyond the need to watch your linear thoughts drifting through so that you can remain detached from them. Your mind and your being are in direct communion with the infinite cosmic plane of awareness and Universal Mind. Within this plane there is no time contraints, no linearity. Many awarenesses and perceptions may float through your mind space that you have absolutely no context for. The moment your mind attempts to understand them at that level you return back to the meditation void state to then watch your thoughts wrestling with this dilemma.
The key to remaining in the Cosmic Void state, is that when you have streamings of awareness flowing through like this which make no sense to your conscious mind, just observe them and breathe them into your heart and then out into your body, with no attempted interpretations or understandings applied at all. Just trust that the awareness and perceptions in these cosmic streamings will become indelibly embedded within your cellular consciousness as you breathe them into your cells.
At a later time they will emerge into your conscious mind with the exact intrepretations, understandings, perceptions and awareness that are needed and perfect for you at that current time. They will also continue to emerge as you move through your life. Each time they emerge you may or may not recognize what’s emerging as being a more expanded version of what had previously emerged.
The Ultimate Liberation
It doesn’t matter if you recognize them as progressions of what has previously emerged, or not. What matters, is that you are in fact liberating your incarnate being from the linearity of the time reference points of past, present and future. In doing that you are free to fly through the cosmic plane of awareness where the underlying nature of things in the world and/or your life, things that seem to make no sense otherwise, are revealed as these tasty gems of expansive wisdom to be consumed by your light body.
Then you’re experiencing Infinite Awareness Expanding in a most exquisite way, and one which can even help you resolve practical plane issues without fighting or struggling with them. This can and will occur from a point within that very expansive cosmic plane of awareness. Indeed, you can suddenly and without any quest whatsoever, just know what something is about, why something is in your life, and what is the absolute best course of response to it.
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